Home » today » Health » Period January-October 2021, 229 People in Tangerang City are HIV Positive

Period January-October 2021, 229 People in Tangerang City are HIV Positive

Tangerang: The Tangerang City Government recorded that 21,731 people for the period January-October 2021 had undergone the test HIV. As a result, as many as 229 people or 1.1 percent of them were diagnosed positive.

“Of course the Tangerang City Government has taken this matter seriously, through various efforts, one of which starts from educating the public, counseling and raising anti-stigma awareness,” said Tangerang Mayor Arief R Wismansyah. Round Table Discussion End AIDS: Prevent HIV, Access For All, launch Between, Thursday, December 2, 2021.

Arief said the issue of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) could not be ignored in the midst of a pandemic situation. He said, HIV/AIDS and PIMS are development priority programs in the health sector.

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“Although the data on HIV/AIDS cases tends to fluctuate, in Indonesia it continues to increase from year to year, even peaking in 2019 at 50,282 cases,” he added.

Read: Often considered the same, it turns out that HIV and AIDS are different things

He hopes that the commemoration of World AIDS Day on December 1, can increase people’s knowledge, awareness and independence in HIV/AIDS prevention and control. The reason is that success in overcoming HIV/AIDS is a joint performance between the Central and Regional Governments, academia, the community, the private sector and the media.

“Hopefully all these joint efforts can continue to be optimal in order to create a healthy and prosperous Tangerang City community,” he explained.

The Head of the Tangerang City Health Office, Dr. Dini Anggraeni, explained that his party in welcoming AIDS Day had held HIV screening at Public Health Centers throughout Tangerang City from November 18 to November 30, 2021.

“The target is 100 people per puskesmas, but it exceeds the target, the highest Puskesmas Kunciran is 730 people who carry out tests, the average achievement is more than 200,” he said.


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