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“Perigee Phenomenon: The Closest Point to Earth and What to Expect”

photo/2023/05/04/dampak-gerhana-bulan-penumbra-ba-20230504100411.jpg?resize=360%2C240&ssl=1" alt="Fenomena perigee, titik terdekat dengan Bumi."/>

Perigee phenomenon, the closest point to Earth. (PIXABAY/caiostefamasca)

Bobo.id – If you pay attention, every day, the shape of the moon must have changed. Those are called the phases of the moon.

The phases of the moon are the changes in the shape of the moon as seen from Earth. This happens because of the revolution of the Moon. What’s that?

Moon revolution means, the process of rotation of the Moon around the Earth in its orbit to cause day and night.

When the Moon circles the Earth, there is a time when the Moon is not too far from Earth.

This condition is called perigee. To find out more about the phenomenon perigeecheck out the following information, come on!

What is the Perigee Phenomenon?

Reported from Kompas.com, perigee is a routine phenomenon on the Moon that occurs once every 28 days.

Phenomenon perigee this can happen when the position of the Moon is at its closest point to our planet.

This means, when this phenomenon takes place, we can clearly see the appearance of the Moon in the night sky.

This is because the Moon will appear 14 percent larger and about 30 percent brighter than the usual full moon size.

In this May, the Moon will experience a phenomenon Perigee on May 11th. Yep, we can watch it in two days.

It is known, the Moon will reach its closest distance to Earth, which is about 369,343 kilometers, my friends.

Also Read: Has a composition similar to that of Earth, can the moon experience earthquakes?

2023-05-09 06:00:00
#Perigee #Moon #Phenomenon #Closest #Point #Earth

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