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Performer’s Remarkable Transformation to Satisfy Young Wife’s Expectations

The performer gave himself real tests.

Three years ago, Mikhail Shufutinsky walked down the aisle again. His chosen one was dancer Svetlana Urazova, who is 24 years younger. The relationship with his young wife required significant changes from the singer.

As it turned out, the woman was extremely dissatisfied with her husband’s appearance. She was not shy and made critical comments to him.

“She said: ‘You’re boring, fat, disgusting and old. I miss you neither in life nor in sex.” – Shufutinsky cited the words of his wife as an example in the program “You Won’t Believe It!”

Such statements by Urazova hurt the musician, and he decided to completely transform himself so as not to disappoint his young wife. Chansonnier changed his lifestyle: he switched to separate meals, gave up fatty foods, bread and sugar.

A radical revision of the diet quickly bore fruit. 75-year-old Shufutinsky managed to get rid of 18 kg in a short time. Now he looks noticeably younger and refreshed. And, apparently, the wife no longer pesters the performer with reproaches.

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