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Performances in person and by phone – the program of the festival ‘Homo Novus’ has been announced

This autumn, from 8 to 18 September, the International New Theater Festival will take place in Riga, in the regions, online, in person and by telephone. “The new man“, in which the audience will be able to experience various forms of new theater performances.

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As the organizers of the festival from the Latvian New Theater Institute told at a press conference on August 18, 23 performances and events will take place. The program includes Latvian new works, as well as performances created in close cooperation with artists from Norway, Canada, Italy, Germany, Australia, the USA and other countries.

“We want to talk clearly about the uncertainty in the different fields of ideas – artistic and social, personal and shared, ecological and biological. We want the festival program to be even more closely connected with the audience, creating opportunities to meet strangers, exchange ideas, words, try other people’s activities. , to experience another life, to find in oneself the ability to trust one another, sometimes to allow oneself to help oneself. says creative director Beck Berger.

Performances in person and by phone - the program of the festival 'Homo Novus' has been announced
Photo: Ingus Bajārs

Performances of the “Homo Novus” program

The New York artists’ 600 Highwayman will offer a telephone show, A Thousand Ways, about understanding, alienation and reunion, during which two strangers will create a series of performances for each other with a question, a suggestive hint, various physical indications and imagination. In the second part of the show, there will be a meeting of strangers at the Noass Art Center.

“Hansa Platform” will feature Iveta Pole’s mixed media show “Bee Matter”, in which the artist uses the ambiguous bee hive metaphor to stimulate reflection on wider life chains and existence.

In the performance “Feast” in the gardens of the Sports Palace, the Berlin artist group “Edible Alchemy” or “Food Alchemists” in cooperation with vegetarian culinary experts Dita Lasi and local young people will demonstrate to viewers how to turn cheap food ingredients into valuable flavor enzymes.

The Live Art Society (Finland) solo performance “Listening” will take place at the Gertrudes Street Theater, in which Silva Belgiti will introduce the audience to various sound frequencies and means of communication, which we often do not notice and appreciate in everyday communication.

Voldemārs Johansons will offer an unusual insight into mathematical chaos in a sound show without the text “Attractors’ Auditorium” – a show where generative computing is depicted with the help of sound and choreographed movement.

The artist Anna Rispoli (Belgium) will listen to a conversation about love between a polyamorist, a teenage girl, a lawyer, and a sex assistant for people with disabilities in the show “Your words in my mouth”.

In turn, at the Latvian National Museum of Art, the Italian artist Kjara Bersani will study / analyze the political aspects of the body and its inconsistency with the expectations of others in the performance “In Search of Unicorns”.

In different places in Riga, Latvian artist Katrīna Dūka and Barbara Lehtna (Estonia) will invite viewers to approach strangers in the work “In the Name of Love” – ​​first from a safe distance, then gradually bridging the existing gap to update the LGBTQAI + community life experience.

In “Koklīte”, Zvejniekciems, you will be able to see Ingri Fiksdal’s (Norway) series of landscape performances “Diorama”, in which the artist uses choreography as a special effect or lens that allows to change the perception of the world.

Performances in person and by phone - the program of the festival 'Homo Novus' has been announced
Photo: Istvan Virag

Throughout the festival, in various atypical places in Riga, it will be possible to experience a listening performance by Blackburn artists Madeleine Flinn and Tim Humphrey with poetry in Latvian and Russian “Witness Tribune”, involving Latvian poets and musicians, including the group “Alejas” (Kirils Ēcis, Spāre Vītols, Reinis ), Toms Vītiņš, Uģis Vītiņš, Andris Indāns, Laima Jansone, Ieva Saliete, Olesja Kozlovska, Jēkabs Nīmanis, Maksims Šenteļevs, etc.

On the other hand, in Cīrava, Aizpute region, within the framework of the project “Be Part” (Art BEyond PARTicipation), Scottish artists Niels Kalagans and Simone Kenjona in cooperation with the local community will create a joint new work. Artists have spent this summer working with hunters, mushrooms and other people closely associated with the forest to find ways in which different communities can engage in artistic processes with their specific knowledge and experience.

In the Vidzeme market, Kote Han Sunig, a Chilean visual and movement artist, will allow everyone to get involved in the Gucci Factory project to think about the real value of things and the working conditions of mass production. In the market, you will be able to see and experience Liene Pavlovska’s scenography work “Found in Boots”, which combines theatrical and cinematic elements, reflecting on various space constraints. The market will also feature the “Sex, Drugs and Crime” show by Toronto’s Mammalian Diving Reflex, in which six teenagers will question public figures about the mistakes and abuses of their youth, and Samuli Laina’s (Finland) one-man show “Feeding” about life. fragility and vulnerability.

Performances in person and by phone - the program of the festival 'Homo Novus' has been announced
Photo: Ingus Bajārs

The festival will culminate in a “No Yet” collective healing experiment led by legendary Quaker dance artist Keith Henesy in San Francisco, designed as a response to contemporary political crises.

Special attention will be paid to the availability of performances at the festival this year and in the future. The program also includes works for the deaf, text performances for visually impaired people, and a telephone show that can be attended by anyone without leaving home. For each show Homepage and the catalog provides information on the availability of the show and the venue, but by applying in time, the organizers will try to provide the opportunity to attend the show to spectators with specific access requirements.

Several events at the festival are free of charge, while tickets for the performances can be purchased at “Biļešu paradīze” box offices and on the Internet. The festival center is located in Vidzeme market, 90 Brīvības Street, where master classes and other satellite events will take place.

Performances in person and by phone - the program of the festival 'Homo Novus' has been announced
Photo: Ingus Bajārs

To ensure the safety of other visitors, artists and the team, adults will be able to attend the festival only on presentation of a Covid-19 vaccination or disease certificate (validity – 6 months) and an identity document, as well as minor children under 12 years of age. It will be possible to follow certain free events of the festival in a live video on lsm.lv. The performances of the theater company “600 Highwayman” will also be available without the Covid-19 vaccination certificate. More details will be provided festival websites program at the event in question.

The visual identity of the festival uses photographs by Māra Brašmane from market series taken in the Vidzeme market and elsewhere in Latvia.

The new theater festival “Homo Novus” will be held for the 26th time.

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