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Performance in 2019, Pertamina is on par with World Class Companies

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The national state-owned oil company, PT Pertamina (Persero), continues to strive to improve company performance, so that it can be aligned with world companies listed on the Fortune Global 500 list.

The Fortune Global 500 is an annual event held by Fortune magazine, with the main measure including the amount of income.

VP Corporate Communication Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman explained that this belief refers to the performance in 2019, in which revenues reached US $ 54.58 billion and profits of US $ 2.5 billion.

The income value is equivalent to IDR 797 trillion and the profit is equivalent to IDR 36.5 trillion assuming an exchange rate of IDR 14,600 / US $.

“This year Pertamina is not listed in the Fortune Global 500 ranking, but with a total revenue of US $ 54.58 billion, Pertamina’s performance equals the world company that occupies the position 198, namely Nippon Steel Corporation with revenues of US $ 54.45 billion,” he said, in an official statement, quoted by CNBC Indonesia, Friday (14/8/2020).

Under the 198 rankings, there are several other well-known global companies, such as Goldman Sachs Group, Morgan Stanley, Caterpillar, and LG Electronic, which are in positions 202 – 207 with revenues of around US $ 53 billion.

Meanwhile, other world energy companies such as Repsol and ConocoPhilips were even ranked 245th and 348th.

Fajriyah said, next year Pertamina is confident that it will be listed again in the Fortune Global 500 list with a higher position.

“The restructuring that is currently being carried out by Pertamina is part of business transformation as a world-class energy company to increase corporate value. With the support of all parties, Pertamina hopes that the aspiration to become a global energy champion can be achieved and be able to place this BUMN in the Fortune 100 Global position,” said Fajriyah. .

Efforts to achieve these aspirations are also encouraged, one of which is the implementation of New Pertamina Clean, which is the commitment of the management and all Pertamina employees to continue to have high integrity, cleanness and transparency.

“The 9 points of New Pertamina Clean include carrying out company operations by supporting business ethics and being responsible and adhering to the Good Corporate Governance guidelines and the 4 NO’s principles (No Bribery, No Kickback, No Gift and No Luxurius),” he said.

“This will continue to be internalized together with the AKHLAK or Amanah, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive and Collaborative values, so that it becomes a culture that supports sustainable performance improvement,” he said.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(bag bag)

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