Home » today » Health » Perfectionist Everything in life can’t go wrong. but it could break your heart without knowing it!

Perfectionist Everything in life can’t go wrong. but it could break your heart without knowing it!

Setting a goal at work or doing things in life that “everything must come to the best” is something many people try to do every day. But..in fact, the “perfectionism” or Perfectionist It can become a double-edged sword that causes the mind to become tired and depressed in the long run.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, a perfectionist (Perfectionism) has this innate behavior. They tend to express more of a “fixed” mindset than a “growing” mindset, both of which are different. which also affect different mental states

dead thoughts: It is believed that people are born with innate talents and abilities. These people set very high standards. and try to avoid failure in any way possible. Failure can cause them to lower their self-esteem.

Growth Mindset: Believe in your ability to learn and grow over time. They can easily overcome defeat. Failure is not related to self-esteem. They believe that people can make mistakes, fail, and that there is always a chance for success.

  • Characteristics of a perfectionist How do you behave?

Additionally, psychologists have found that there are certain behaviors that signal Perfectionist which they clearly are

  • Committed to high standards
  • I want to be clean and they need to be even cleaner
  • worry about mistakes There is no room for mistakes
  • sensitivity to criticism from others
  • self-criticism
  • Failure is accepted (as is normal in life).
  • You set unrealistically high standards with your loved ones or family.

Although the behavior inperfectionismIt’s not a mental disorder. But if it happens regularly, it will result in stress. anxiety Because they associate self-esteem with performance. and they tend to work in extreme ways when things are pushed to make mistakes Perfectionist the more obsessed with that mistake and growing anxiety in everyday life

  • Perfectionist There is only one plus But there are many minuses!

As Tracy Dennis Tiwary, a professor of psychology and neuroscience in New York City, USA, similarly told the Washington Post, Perfectionism has few advantages. But there are many downsides to mental health, though low self-esteem, depression, anxiety disorder, OCD, eating disorder, etc. When faced with a mistake, there is a high level of stress. and even lead to suicide.

Also, perfectionists tend to get less than they expect. why they are reckless Procrastinate, get bored and give up the challenge altogether. because he felt he didn’t participate in the competition at all It’s better than competing and losing.

  • Change a perfectionist into a perfectionist for better mental health.

However, there are ways to correct and adjust new attitudes so that “working age“I’m still working well and efficiently. Without having to put pressure on yourself by changing from A Perfectionist is instead an Excellentist, i.e. work for excellence rather than perfection.

Patrick Gaudreau, Professor of Psychology This was stated by the University of Ottawa, Canada Excellence focuses on doing a great job even if it’s not perfect. Emphasis on being open to new experiences Takes a unique approach to problem solving. and feel free to make mistakes As long as they can learn from that mistake to aim for great success.

For people of working age who know they belong Perfectionist and want to change behavior can easily start by regulating the thought process Learning to understand and accept that “Life is inherently full of uncertainty.“Calmness and awareness It will make you accept adverse events better. It also helps you focus your thoughts and work better.

As already mentioned, the behavior Perfectionist related to various mental health problems. Therefore,perfectionismIt has a very negative effect on mental health. If you know how to let go reduce high standards and allow yourself to make some mistakes It will help to have better mental health.


refer : Psychology today, Washington Post, UMPC health beat

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