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Pepe Mujica Diagnosed with Esophagus Cancer: Early Diagnosis Challenges and Treatment Options

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oh cancer esophagus, which will affect the former president of Uruguay, Pepe Mujica, is a challenge for early diagnosis. According to data from Inca (National Cancer Institute) of the Ministry Cheers in Brazil, the neoplasm usually shows symptoms only when it is already at an advanced stage and is common among men, who represent 74.6% of cases.

Mujica’s problem was confirmed in a routine examination and, according to a statement from the vice president of the nearby state, the diagnosis indicated a “very dangerous” situation.

Mujica’s treatment situation is described by himself as “double complex”, because an immunological disease has been affecting, among other things, the kidneys for more than 20 years. “Which creates obvious problems for chemotherapy and surgical techniques,” he said.

The International World Cancer Research Fund indicates that esophageal cancer is the 8th most common cancer worldwide, with approximately 600,000 new cases registered in 2020, the 7th most common cancer among men and the 13th among women.

Estimates of esophageal cancer in Brazil, according to Inca, indicate an overview of 10,990 new cases per year, 8,200 in men and 2,790 in women. Mortality reaches 76.7% of total records, and, in the male group, this rate is higher than 80.65% of cases (or 6,614 deaths) compared to 65% (1,816) of female cases of the disease.

Inca also clarifies that organic cancer is the sixth most common male cancer in the country and the 15th among women.

Symptoms in most patients include progressive difficulty swallowing, fatigue, weight loss and, in cases with large lesions, chest pain. Anemia, cough, hoarseness due to involvement of the laryngeal nerve and dyspnea may also occur. Treatment involves the involvement of several specialists and is usually carried out with the help of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

The problem can be caused in the long run by several factors. There is evidence that the consumption of very hot drinks, at a temperature of 65ºC or more, such as chimarrão, and alcoholic drinks can also have an effect.

It can also be caused by excess body fat (overweight and obesity), which facilitates the development of reflux disease, a risk factor for the development of this type of cancer. Other causes are smoking (one responsible for 25% of cases of this disease), contact with dust and industrial vapors or pesticides, history of previous neoplasms in the head, neck or lung, HPV infection.

Also vulnerable, according to the Inca, are those who have existing problems such as “tylosis (drying of the skin on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet), achalasia (lack of relaxation of the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach), Barrett’s esophagus (abnormal growth of columnar cells into the esophagus), caustic lesions (burns) in the esophagus and Plummer-Vinson Syndrome (iron deficiency)”.

2024-04-29 17:20:00
#Esophageal #cancer #Mujica #cancer #shows #symptoms #advanced #stage #UOL

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