Surabaya, – HIV / Aids is not a curse. But the spread happens in those who behave freely. Due to the lack of care in protecting oneself it is the cause of contracting HIV / AIDS.
HIV / AIDS cases in the city of Surabaya have increased dramatically. Data from the Surabaya Health Office (Dinkes), the number of HIV patients in 2022 will increase by 355 cases. Therefore, there are a total of 1,026 people living with HIV / AIDS in the metropolis dominated by the working age group.
The rise in the number of people living with HIV / AIDS comes as no surprise to activists who are struggling with HIV / AIDS care.
The head of the Orbit Aids program, Moch Faisol, said the iceberg phenomenon in the number of people living with HIV / AIDS is unpredictable. The increase in the number of sick people in the city of Surabaya has reached 1026 cases. He unfolded, on a flat surface. But suddenly the sick person increases.
By anticipating its spread and localizing it, explained Moch Faisol, assistance to PLWHA is very important.
“The community is very open. Because this disease can happen to anyone,” explained Moch Faisol.
Moch Faisol said, from the assisted data available, the highest number of HIV / Aids sufferers in same-sex sexual behavior, the second being occupied by housewives who received gifts or were infected by their husbands. Third, people with HIV / AIDS are employed by commercial prostitutes (CSWs).
“The lowest distribution is among drug addicts,” he explained.
Faisol said public awareness of the importance of preventing the impact of promiscuity could actually kill people with HIV / AIDS.
“The patient is currently very conscious. They are no longer closed and want care. Furthermore, this disease also has a cure. The obligation is to take medicines regularly, “she said.
On the other hand, the attention of the central and regional government was very good. So that patient care can be done correctly.
“The most important thing is care, so that patients can understand and be accepted by the community,” he concluded. (days)