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People with corona complaints more often take tests, but do not stay indoors

More and more Dutch people who cough or have other corona complaints are being tested. But at the same time it appears that the willingness to stay at home with complaints is small.

This has emerged from behavioral research by the RIVM and GGD GHOR, the industry association of all GGDs, among others.

Testing with corona complaints

from the poll of 60,000 people it appears that one third of the respondents who have complaints are tested for corona. That is almost double the previous poll, which was conducted in July.

More than a quarter of the people who had themselves tested had corona complaints. Slightly more than half did not think of corona, but of another reason such as asthma or an allergy. 21 percent of that group had themselves tested anyway.

Shopping with complaints

Frequent testing is one of the pillars of it coronabeleid: get tested in case of complaints. But with another pillar, the principle that people who may be infected should stay at home, is less successful.

Respondents who had complaints continued to shop en masse (90 percent), while they did not yet have the results of the corona test. 43 percent indicated that they had gone to work, 64 percent visited family or friends despite complaints and 41 percent of the people with complaints went to the catering industry.

People with corona complaints do not stay indoors
More and more people with corona complaints are being tested, but staying at home with complaints is less successful. Photo: ANP.

Stay at home with mild complaints

It is remarkable that the respondents en masse support the national regulation to stay at home even with mild complaints: 84 percent think this is a good rule. The poll also shows that support for the rule to keep a distance of 1.5 meters has increased by 14 percent, after an earlier decrease.

This weekend, André Rouvoet, chairman of the umbrella organization of the 25 GGDs said that he is critical about testing without complaints. In Faithful he said he fears people will feel safe after a test and will no longer obey the rules.

The Hague new corona fire fireplace

Last week, the number of infections in the Netherlands rose by 4,086, which is considerably more than in the same period last week. Especially in The Hague there are many positive results: between Saturday morning and yesterday morning 184 new corona cases were registered in Haaglanden, compared to 149 in Amsterdam and the surrounding area and 115 in and around Rotterdam. For the time being, no additional measures will be taken in The Hague to prevent the spread of the virus. The municipality appeals to people’s own responsibility.

The number of hospital admissions in our country rose by 33. Six people were admitted to hospital in Amsterdam, four in Rotterdam and three in Utrecht. Nineteen people died.

Also read: GGDs are critical of testing without complaints: ‘If it doesn’t help, it will harm’

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People with corona complaints do not stay indoors

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