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People, Presidents, and Pop Culture: The Fascination with Sex Symbols and Their Impact

There are people to whom the label “sex symbol” sticks. One of the first criteria for such an assessment is most often obvious – appearance. Supermodels, sportsmen and sportsmen, actresses and actors, other well-known people are evaluated according to it. Fortunately, this rating is no longer listed. A person is not just his appearance!

Oh, the president!

It is not widely heard that any of the presidents in our country is considered sexy, although Valdis Zatlers was nominated as the 159th sexiest politician in the world in a survey, but numerologists say about ex-president Andri Bēržinius – his numbers show expressive sexuality.

However, the former President of Estonia Tomas Hendriks Ilves has been considered a sex symbol in Latvia on a regional scale. This is said to have been clarified by a journalist of the British newspaper «The Guardian», to whom an English-speaking resident of Latvia expressed such an assessment. Hey, how simple it is to hang a tag, and the rest depends only on the volumes of circulation. Perhaps such a rating arises as a marketing ploy, but perhaps it is just an unjustified companion of popularity. The more well-known a person is, the more you want to attribute all the nicest things to him…

Actors, athletes…

Actors in all countries and at all times have been given the epithets sexy, sex symbol and so on. It may be that it happened to someone for the first time in connection with a role and then this image was exploited until the actor accepted it and wore it as his second skin. However, it cannot be denied that in the 20th century the standards of beauty and the resulting sexiness were set by Hollywood.

By the way, the participants of the London Olympic Games in 2012 were judged not only by their athletic achievements, but also… as the sexiest, choosing the average arithmetical beauty. In this case, appearance has played an important role. Once upon a time, men chose track and field athlete Ineta Radeviča as the sex symbol of Latvian sports.

Even if now women and, hopefully, men can feel satisfied that they and they are no longer labeled as “sexy”, let us remind you that on the world tour beach volleyball players must play in bikinis, while men can play in long shorts. Athletes from several countries have refused to wear bikinis and have been punished. Also, say that in sports you don’t judge looks, but achievements!

Strong energy

Why do people pay attention to sex and sexuality and tend to survive when they are not judged as sexually attractive? Sexual energy is very powerful, it is one of our driving forces. For a long time, society used to believe that being sexy is prestigious, it is like an added value, like a taste enhancer. Nowadays, such an assessment is laughed at, at least out loud.

But the truth: if sexual signals are broadcast intrusively, then the time comes when society capitulates, sighs tiredly and agrees – well, well, become a sex symbol, Pamela Anderson with her impressive bust and scanty bikini! The time comes, and according to the results of another survey in 2011, another actress – Jennifer Aniston, who turns out to be recognized as the sexiest woman of all time – dethroned her. This was decided by the men’s magazine “Men’s Health”.

Why did Marilyn Monroe become a sex symbol? Let’s not dispute the influence of the specific period of the last century! She shocked the puritan morality of her time with her blonde image, coquetry, femininity and emotionality. She was given the ability (even if the actress did not realize it) to manipulate people and the ability to be liked. And she also liked flirting. Marilyn’s trump card was sensuality. This woman’s complexes and choice of men ensured her the fame of a sex symbol, because scandals are the second bread in pop culture.

Lucky people born on the 11th

People of a suitable age in Latvia are able to appreciate the anecdotes about lieutenant Rževski and understand why they should laugh. Andrejs Zhandrs, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, explained that you can find a grain of truth in every joke. Lieutenant Rzhevskis, the chrestomatic brunch hunter, was born on May 11. Men born on this date are good-looking, possess irresistible charisma and masculine energy, and women give in like wildfire. They have no options!

In May, but not on the 11th, George Clooney, another icon of sexiness, was born. After living more than 40 years, people of this type enter the so-called indeterminable age, when they receive compliments on their appearance, look more attractive than when they were young, and in general – they cannot understand how old they are. Clooney’s attractiveness advantage could be hidden in his date of birth, which provides magnetism and the image of a sexually attractive personality. Clearly, there is already something in that George! It is not for nothing that in the local imitation of the ironic “Martini” advertisement, instead of Clooney, the rejection of the girls is received by the local actor Ęirts Ķesteris. His image of a sexy and desirable man has also been reproduced in the media with amazing persistence.

Mother Nature’s Lutecles

There are people for whom Mother Nature herself has decided to be very creative sexually, and love is necessary for them. In stressful situations, they tend to release energy with quick sex. It’s just a way to relieve tension, so sidesteps can happen. In addition, sexual energy in them stimulates interest in activities in which creative energy related to physical art arises – singing, dancing, yes, also theater and cinema art. They have to deal with it so that the second chakra, which is “responsible” for sexuality, physical pleasure and attraction between a man and a woman, is not blocked. It could be said that this deadly combination for the opposite sex is enhanced by the innate ability to easily manipulate people, because they know what the other wants, as well as the ability to please.

By the way, not always the one who talks a lot about something does the same. Therefore, the so-called sex gurus should not be viewed as prostitutes. It’s very likely that they make their bread and butter by talking and writing about sex. And only.

2023-09-06 13:56:31
#Latvia #Tomas #Hendriks #Ilves #considered #sex #symbol #Baltic #scale

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