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People on board Dutch freighter evacuated due to capsize risk | NOW

A cargo ship sailing under the Dutch flag issued a distress signal Monday morning because it threatened to capsize near the Norwegian coast. As a precaution, eight of the twelve crew members were therefore evacuated by helicopter. The danger has now passed, says a spokesperson for owner Eemslift Esbjerg in conversation with NU.nl.

The danger arose because some of the cargo began to shift and the ship began to heel. The four crew members who remained on the ship tried to stabilize the vessel. That was successful, the spokesperson confirms.

It will be a while before the Eemslift Hendrika, as the 112 meter long and 17 meter wide cargo ship is called, can continue its sailing route to the Norwegian town of Kolvereid. According to the spokesperson, the crew is waiting for better weather conditions and in particular a softer wind.

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