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People in Hungary protested against the ban on enlightenment about sexual minorities

“It’s awful and inhumane,” Dominika Pandzsa, a kindergarten assistant, told Reuters reporters. “Some children will be forced to hide it, but they should be able to tell the surroundings,” Pandzsa thinks.

Fidesz wants to ban the distribution of texts or films that address homosexuality or gender reassignment among young people under the age of 18. Schools should not even run programs that lead young people to respect members of sexual minorities. The ban would also apply to advertising. This is an amendment to the law that affects pedophilia, and it should be voted on on Tuesday.

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatovich on Monday called on Hungarian lawmakers to oppose the proposal. “I urge you to be vigilant about similar initiatives aimed at enforcing measures that restrict human rights or stigmatize members of certain social groups.” she stated v declaration.

Háttér also believes that the Fidesz proposal would significantly restrict children’s freedom of expression and rights, endanger the mental health of young people belonging to sexual minorities and prevent them from accessing information and support. The opposition liberal movement Momentum is calling for a boycott of the vote.

However, according to Reuters, lawmakers from Fidesz said in an addendum to the proposal that some organizers use seminars organized in schools to influence the sexual development of children through programs aimed at increasing sensitivity. This can seriously damage the physical, mental and mental development of children, the authors of the amendment think.

Last December, the Fidesz-controlled parliament approved amendments to a constitution restricting the rights of sexual minorities. They concern the prohibition of the adoption of children by same-sex couples and the stipulation that the sex of the children is determined at birth and cannot be changed later. Earlier, the cabinet banned changes to gender information in personal documents.

Gays and lesbians in Hungary fear that they could be the target of political attacks before the 2022 elections. They point to the situation in Poland, where opposition to the “LGBT ideology” became one of the key issues for the ruling National Conservatives before last year’s presidential election.

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