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People are boiling! Crossroads in Plovdiv is blocked!

Protesters blocked the intersection of Alexander Stamboliyski Blvd. with Komatevsko Shosse shortly after 6 pm today, a reporter told Plovdiv24.bg.

An hour earlier, people began to gather at the place where a new block of flats is expected to appear, located next to Asen Hristoforov Street. Posters were pasted on the construction fence: , do not sell Plovdiv “,” We want air, not concrete “,” Stop corruption “.

Protesters also set fire to the fence. Municipal councilors from Plovdiv also arrived on the scene.

Protesters are demanding an end to redevelopment in the area, which they say will exacerbate the problem of water supply and parking.

In addition, they insist on improving the infrastructure in the neighborhood and building new parks and kindergartens. During the protest, citizens also demanded the resignation of Plovdiv’s chief architect Dimitar Ahryanov.

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