Home » World » Penteli: The fire victims greeted Kyriakos Mitsotakis with cheers (Video) – 2024-08-22 08:43:51

Penteli: The fire victims greeted Kyriakos Mitsotakis with cheers (Video) – 2024-08-22 08:43:51

With strong protection, Kyriakos Mitsotakis arrived at the Municipal Store of Penteli for a meeting regarding the big fire that broke out on Sunday August 11 in Varnavas and after crossing part of Penteli he reached the urban fabric of Athens in Chalandri.

Since the early afternoon of Tuesday, there has been a protest gathering that had been called by the citizens of Penteli and strong police forces have been deployed in the area with MAT to keep the protesters at a distance from the entrance of the Municipal Store.

When the prime minister arrived he was forced to walk under protests and jeers, to which he did not respond.

The video:

In the indoor gym

Before the meeting at the Penteli Municipal Store, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis visited the closed gymnasium of the Nea Penteli High School, which was damaged by the fire in northeastern Attica. The representative of GEK-Terna, which has undertaken the restoration at its own expense, presented the plan for the reconstruction of the gymnasium.

Afterwards, the Prime Minister, accompanied by the Mayor, also visited the Holy Monastery of Penteli where he was welcomed by the abbot, while outside Moni, together with the Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Vassilis Kikilia, he spoke with the ranks of the Fire Department and the volunteer firefighters who they are there.

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#Penteli #fire #victims #greeted #Kyriakos #Mitsotakis #cheers #Video

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