Karlsruhe (dpa/lsw) – Plenty of sun and summery temperatures: day trippers and friends of the beer garden can look forward to a nice Pentecost weekend in the south-west. The German Weather Service (DWD) expects more and more sun and rising temperatures from Friday. With 25 to 26 degrees it should be summery warm on Saturday, for Sunday 27 degrees could be reached in places. According to a DWD meteorologist, it should be the warmest in the Rheingraben.
If you want to swim outside, it is best to do so on Sunday. Whit Monday it could cool down a bit again. Many outdoor pools have been open since the beginning of May, and more will be added at Pentecost, including three outdoor pools in Karlsruhe alone.
Incidentally, sunglasses and a hat can be helpful for hay fever enthusiasts when walking through blooming meadows, so that not too much pollen gets caught in their hair. According to Christina Endler from the Center for Medical Meteorological Research of the DWD in Freiburg, grasses and the onset of the rye blossom are currently causing problems for allergy sufferers.
A nasal douche and rinsing the eyes with water could help against sneezing attacks, itchy eyes and a runny nose. According to the bio-meteorologist, those affected should also avoid airing in the afternoon and evening – then the pollen concentration is usually particularly high.
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#Plenty #sun #meteorologists #expect #beautiful #Pentecost