In Poitiers, Niort, Angoulême or La Rochelle, mobilization is weakening in Poitou-Charentes as the bill to repeal the pension reform is about to pass the Assembly.
After 14 days of demonstration, the mobilization continues to decline everywhere in France. While the strength of the movement in medium-sized cities had surprised politicians and union leaders, the protest seems to be marking time.
In Angoulême, for example, 9,000 people demonstrated on Thursday January 19 according to the police and 12,000 according to the unions. They were only 2000 according to the authorities and 4000 according to the organizers.
In Poitiers, 4000 demonstrators beat the pavement according to the CGT. In Saintes, our team estimates the number of people in the procession at 1,000. As for La Rochelle, they would be 2000 to have taken the start of the demonstration at the station, according to the organizers. In Niort, the same big difference with regard to the mobilization figures: 1600 according to the prefecture, 3500 according to the unions.
Some demonstrators cling to the hope of seeing the pension reform repealed by the National Assembly. Only the presidential majority is preparing to invoke article 40 of the constitution to challenge the bill, filed by the LIOT group.
#Demonstrations #pension #reform #mobization #PoitouCharentes