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Penpak discloses 20-year-single status, shares journey of celibacy and open-heartedness

two thousand years old woman Tai Penpak Open a legend in the entertainment industry for more than 47 years, revealing a habit that few people know, being an angry person. The real thing doesn’t talk too much. Life at the age of 62, why is the tolerance lower? and also announced that he would not open his heart to anyone Ready to reveal the viewpoint of the ultimate belief, hold celibacy throughout life All issues in the program “Kay Zap Show” on Channel One 31

In the industry for 47 years?

“It started with a beauty pageant. He searched for a new heroine to enter the industry. got a position and got to play a movie When I was young, I wanted to be a policeman, wanted to be a soldier, and didn’t look at the entertainment industry at all. Her mother was the one who took her to the contest. So we followed. It didn’t damage anything, it was fun, playing movies, starting to shoot, modeling, acting in dramas, and people invited us to sing, we tried it.

Beautiful, spicy, is there someone ready to pay?

“Yes, at that time, but we honestly told him that he still had hands, feet, brains.”

Have you had any mental illnesses?

“In the past, when I lived in an apartment, there was a phone call. I cursed him. He disappeared.”

10 years ago, about 50 years old, put on a swimsuit and take a photo again?

“A photographer is a photographer we are close with. We trust each other to shoot well. Absolutely no images leaked. Nowadays it’s a bit difficult. The book era is over. But if going to post on IG, you have to think carefully because it is very social.

Less patience this year?

“As age plays a part, we have encountered quite a lot of everything in life. Then one day, I came across something again. that it never changes I can’t close my eyes and ears now. must also limit their acceptance of work so that your emotions don’t swing Won’t swing in the pile, but the manager will be the vent. Later, I controlled myself as much as I could. accept the job that we want to do and be happy a person who does not like to fight We know that we are emotional people. The picture won’t look good at all.”

Have you ever blown a fuse?

“In the past, there was one. Didn’t talk. Walked in and threw it. We don’t like people who constantly lie. We are forgiven only 2 times. Work matters must be looked at for reasons and results. if love It’s something very delicate. If there is a habit of lying as a basis, we cannot fix it, we retreat better than the best.”

Fierce face, what kind of person is it really?

“My face is still, but I can actually live alone. can live alone have a face as a weapon Not a fierce person, a still face.”

Are you open to young people?

“Not open, we’ve found every form. Love comes with suffering We can always be alone. It settles and being alone is happier than having someone else come. It can be too selfish and self-loving. No one came to flirt at all. I’ve been single for 20 years, probably because we closed. We can’t have another person join us.”

Purity for life?

“It started when I went to worship Kali. Go to Wat Khaek and walk out of the corner of your eye to see the mother image. We went to see the shop and asked to see and reserve this statue. At that time, there were some problems that we couldn’t filter out. We told mom that if we were freed We will be celibate After getting it, there was a problem that it fell off at all. Then I had a dream that I went to an event and that someone would come and hurt me. Then there came my mother’s bachelor. That person disappeared.”

Someone to pick up Khan?

“Someone greeted us, but we said we weren’t ready yet. We are still in a world of passions. We still can’t give up So he lit an incense stick and said that we weren’t comfortable accepting him. We still loved, greedy, angry.”

Have a 6th sense?

“At first I didn’t know When we go to work, shoot a drama far away. old hotel house Take a step down and get goosebumps up to your head. Went to light incense and told him to come to work. Tell me that at noon I will do the sermon. We didn’t have any incidents. But after the team came to tell me that there was an incident, did your mother feel it? We said that we felt, but did not tell anyone, we could not work together. There is another one at home dreaming that a branch the size of a leg fell on the roof of the house next to the house for 3 days, the tree is actually broken. but did not hit the house next door, hit the house itself But it’s good because if it hits the side, there may be problems.

Is there déjà vu?

“I feel like I’ve been here before, often in foreign countries”.

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