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Penny Market’s Snowed In Project: Affordable Food and Reduced Waste

The big chain stores didn’t make too many friends among customers last year. It turned out that they made their goods disproportionately expensive, even well above how they themselves raised the input costs. They came out of the whole affair with a significantly tarnished reputation, to which were also added the cases where it became clear how much poor quality food they were actually selling.

Food for a few crowns

So it is not surprising that they are trying to improve their reputation and some of their projects are really interesting. For example, Penny Market is heavily involved in the Snowed In project, which means that at dozens of its stores you can get bags full of great food and food that simply didn’t sell but can still be eaten for a small fee.

The chain started this collaboration modestly at first in the form of one store in Prague’s Revoluční Street. However, since then he has significantly expanded the cooperation and today it is already possible to buy these convenient food packages in 44 Penny Market stores.

The truth is that it is a very worthy matter that solves several problems at once. First of all, food waste is significantly reduced in this way. The truth is that there is still a huge amount of food being thrown away that is not sold, but in reality it is still safe and can be eaten. In the second sequence, it is possible to help people for whom certain foods become unattainable luxuries because of their price. Although many do not realize it, the 40% increase in the price of food, which we have had here in the last three years, is a really big hit to the budget for many households.

Foto: Shutterstock

Customers loved it

You just need to download the Nasněženo mobile application, where you can choose the one that suits you in one of the cooperating stores throughout the Czech Republic and order a package or a bag full of groceries here. The great thing about it is that you get it at least 50% off. Then just pick up the order.

It’s something fantastic. I was already really disgusted with the prices of food and going to the store made me feel uncomfortable because it seemed to me that the prices were going up almost every week. But now I solve most of what I need this way. The products are just before their best before date, but I don’t mind at all,” says Mrs. Věra, who often buys even cheaper than half the original purchase price.

Also read: Penny Market shaved a customer. She paid for two kilos of meat but got only one

A certain problem can be that you never know what is actually in which bag. But even the surprise factor is a pleasant bonus for some customers. The content usually makes good sense and you don’t really need to think too much about what you buy.

Foto: Shutterstock

2023-11-08 15:00:00
#free #food #major #retail #chain #launched #queues

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