Home » News » Pelican on a flying visit to the banks of the Main – FFH.de

Pelican on a flying visit to the banks of the Main – FFH.de

This visit causes a big heart pounding among all bird fans in Frankfurt.

A white pelican has been staying at the barrage in Griesheim for a few days, they are normally only found here in zoos.

Frankfurt pelican seems to feel good

The white pelicans usually live in sub-Saharan Africa, in India or in the Balkans. This one is sitting on the branches by the Main or occasionally flies around, in any case he seems to feel comfortable here despite the cold. Fodder, i.e. fish in the Main, there is also enough.

Origin still unclear

Hundreds of ornithologists have already made the pilgrimage to Griesheim, looked at the exotic species there and tried to take a picture of it. Where the pelican came from is still completely unclear. In any case, no one escaped from the Frankfurt Zoo.

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