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Pekalongan people are asked to be aware of dengue fever and chikungunya

The growth of cikungunya larvae is supported by the number of stagnant water.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PEKALONGAN – The City Government of Pekalongan, Central Java, asked the public to be aware of the spread of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and chikungunya in connection with the arrival of the season shift from the rainy season to the dry season. “During this transitional period, the mosquito population is prone to increase because the place for breeding and growth of larvae is supported by a lot of standing water,” said Head of Pekalongan City Health Office Slamet Budiyanto in Pekalongan, Friday (16/4).

According to him, disease DBD and chikungunya is caused by a viral infection caused by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. “Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are indeed easy to breed in tropical areas such as in Pekalongan City. Therefore, we ask that we need to increase awareness by maintaining a healthy environment,” he said.

He, who was accompanied by the local Health Office Epidemologist Opick Taufik, said that a dirty environment would make it easier for mosquitoes to breed. Chikungunya disease, he said, has the same cause as dengue fever, namely due to the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito that breeds in clear puddles. Like water left over from rain. It’s just that the virus that is carried is different.

As for preventing the spread of chikunguya and dengue fever, according to him, the health office had carried out mass fogging which was held in 10 urban villages. “Indeed, we are focusing on fumigation in 10 urban villages because their areas are endemic. The 10 urban villages include Banyurip, Buaran, Kradenan, Podosugih, Klego, Noyontaan, and Kuripan Yosorejo,” he said.

According to him, someone who is indicated by DHF and chikungunya will experience symptoms such as headache, fever, muscle aches and swollen joints. To anticipate the spread of dengue and chikungunya, he said, the health office has deployed jumantik officers who routinely check and track residents who have contracted the disease.

“We hope that residents increase awareness of the importance of environmental cleanliness by diligently carrying out the eradication of mosquito nests (PSN) through 3M plus,” he said. He added that until January to April 2021, the number of dengue fever sufferers has reached six people. The number of DHF sufferers in 2020 was 85 people, five of whom died.

source: Between

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