Home » today » Entertainment » Pedro Durán: “I don’t even want to think about when the theaters will open again” | BE Gijón | To live that are two days Asturias

Pedro Durán: “I don’t even want to think about when the theaters will open again” | BE Gijón | To live that are two days Asturias

Asturian performing arts continue to take advantage of the online format in order to reach viewers deprived of the possibility of seeing them from their seats since November 4. Next Wednesday a new meeting of the government of the Principality is called to review the extraordinary measures taken in the face of the situation derived from the pandemic, in which the reopening of Asturian cultural centers and theaters could be decreed. “It could be from the 9th or the 18th,” said the Asturian actor Pedro Duran, asked in To live that are two days Asturias for this possibility. “The only thing we know is that this meeting will discuss the issue together with the hotel business. I prefer not to think about it “ assured.

“What am I going to say that hasn’t already been said. Culture is one of the most affected sectors, like many others. With closed theaters this formula has been found that allows the public to continue enjoying the theater “, Durán refers for example to the bet of Labor City of Culture to continue with your program Let’s go! and offer the family audience proposals like the one he directs; ‘Amanda and les Castañes Máxiques’ scheduled to be seen online from 12 in the morning on Sunday the 6th to the morning of the 7th. proposal in Asturian language that covers the classic tale of Jack and the magic abichuelas We spoke with the actor who also reserves a role with Arancha Fernández Ramos and Nerea Vázquez. Pedro Durán is also with the essays of ‘Epic, a story of the finite kingdom’ for adolescent audiences, which can be seen in the near future.

Throughout the interview, he refers to the regional television program ‘Babel’ in which he participates playing the role of Marisina. “It’s a lot of fun, it’s one of these shows where everyone is in favor of the work so you really enjoy it” and adds that “the audience is accompanying us at the moment.” “I do not want to think further, I want to enjoy the moment,” he explained when he was in a good time of work despite the difficult situation that the performing arts are going through.

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