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Pedro denies you make “impositions” on the bench

C. Carmen Lira Saade
General director of the newspaper
The Day


I am kindly writing to you so that you may consider the offense committed against me by your collaborators Enrique Méndez and Fernando Camacho, who, without any basis, claim that With threats, Haces Barba imposes presidencies in committees of deputies.

The note in question, in addition to containing false and inaccurate information about what happened in the plenary meetings –private– I am described with adjectives and mentions of myself as a “union” leader charrista; aggressive and capable of threatening my fellow deputies with death.”

From the head, With threats, Haces Barba imposes presidencies in committees of deputiesuntil the development of the entire informative note, which says: “At dawn, Ricardo Monreal’s political operator, Pedro Haces Barba, imposed presidencies of 15 commissions of the Chamber of Deputies, in a private session in which – detailed legislators from Morena – the union leader resorted to threats, even death threats, against his own colleagues.”

This same wording and tone was used in the development of the entire journalistic article, in which words such as imposition, threats, authoritarianism, albazoetc.

In light of the above, I have decided to exercise my constitutional right of reply and reserve the right to go to the competent legal authorities to report the grievances committed against me.

Regarding the voting of the proposals presented for the election of the deputies presidents of the work commissions within the Chamber of Deputies – which corresponded to the parliamentary group of Morena 26, of the 51 existing –, it was done based on an agreement with the Morena deputies, who in a second plenary meeting of the parliamentary group (Wednesday, October 9) voted after each of the proposals to integrate the commissions were endorsed by the vote and signature of each of the deputies who would make up each of them.

I, Deputy Pedro Haces Barba, request your editorial authority to publish in the same space in which the note appeared that misinformed readers so much about the events that occurred in the Chamber of Deputies, as well as the defamations and slander perpetrated against my person

Without further ado, I reiterate to your respectable orders.


Dip. Pedro Makes Beard

Reporters’ response

Madam Director:

The information referred to by deputy Pedro Haces Barba was obtained from Morena legislators after the plenary meeting that occurred early Thursday morning, and not on Wednesday, as cited by the legislator.

Several deputies from that bench confirmed the tone and scope of Haces Barba’s words at the work meeting.

Among the almost 50 dissatisfied legislators who left the plenary session – in addition to those mentioned in the note, Gabriela Jiménez and Alfonso Ramírez Cuéllar, both vice coordinators; Guillermo Santiago, Juan Hugo de la Rosa and Manuel Espino, as well as Xóchitl Zagal–, there are also Antares Vázquez, Napoleón Gómez Urrutia and José Carlos Acosta.

Our task is not to defame, but to inform.


E. Méndez and F. Camacho

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#Pedro #denies #impositions #bench

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