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Pedro Castillo signs an alliance with Verónika Mendoza to “close the way” to Keiko Fujimori


The presidential candidate of Peru Libre, Pedro Castillo, has signed a political agreement this Wednesday with the former candidate of the New Peru-Together for Peru coalition, Verónika Mendoza, to “block the way to authoritarian and corrupt forces”, referring to Keiko Fujimori and his Popular Force formation, in the second round of the elections.

The alliance, called ‘For the re-founding of our sovereignty, justice and equality’, has been signed by both leftist formations at a meeting of the leaders in Lima.

The agreement aims to “close the way to authoritarian and corrupt forces and inaugurate a new time in which all voices are heard and our sovereignty recovered, to build a new social pact through a Popular Constituent Assembly.”

The document thus includes four relevant points, among which is facing the health, social and economic crisis derived by COVID-19 for which it is committed to access to universal and free vaccination, oxygen distribution or the strengthening of the system of public health.

It also aims to reactivate the economy “prioritizing the generation of employment and leaving behind the economic model imposed by the Fujimori dictatorship that has only favored a few privileged people,” reports ‘La República’.

In the agreement, they assure that they will promote a “firm” fight against corruption, “fighting impunity and demanding that those who rob the country be punished and rescue the State to put it at the service of the people.”

“Re-found the State, deepening democracy, guaranteeing the exercise of rights for all, in full equality and without any type of discrimination,” details the alliance document, in which Castillo also agrees to leave the office of president on the 28th. July 2026, once he has finished his term.

Thus, Mendoza has shown his support for Castillo’s candidacy with the aim of “putting a stop to the corruption mafia” and to “build a new homeland.”

The former candidate has also called on the country’s democratic forces, young people, women, social, union and collective organizations to “join forces so that together we can re-found our homeland, so that together we can finally write a Constitution made by the people and for the people “.

“We do not want to go back to the past, to the 90s, where democracy collapsed, where our wealth was looted and sold off, where hundreds and thousands of workers were arbitrarily fired, where thousands of peasant women were sterilized against their will. We don’t want that for our country anymore, “Mendoza also stressed.

For his part, Pedro Castillo thanked Mendoza for his support and asserted that the pandemic “has completely exposed” the precariousness “of the old and corrupt State.”

“How in such a rich country people cry out for oxygen, or young people, no matter how hard they make, continue with an uncertain future and come to the big cities to form poverty belts and are easy prey for social problems of crime and drug addiction. That is why we are here and that is why we have agreed and thanks to Nuevo Peru and Juntos por el Perú for embracing this cause, “added the candidate.

On the other hand, Keiko Fujimori has urged Castillo to participate in the debates proposed by the National Elections Jury (JNE) for the second round.

“What the population demands, Mr. Castillo and Mr. (Vladimir) Cerrón (Secretary General of Peru Libre), is to know your proposals, that they participate in the debates, that they show their team and their government plan. And that until now has not been possible. they are doing, “he said, reports RPP Noticias.

The JNE has proposed four official debates for the second round of the presidential elections, scheduled for June 6. Two debates would be between the candidates, another between the candidates for vice presidencies and one more between the technical teams of both parties.

To date, Castillo has not presented his technical team, nor has he given a response about his participation in the debates.

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