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Pedestrians Fined NT$2,000 for Jaywalking – Police Crackdown on Crosswalk Violations in Hong Kong

“Sing Tao Complaint King” reported earlier that the police began to dispatch plainclothes police officers on December 11 to conduct territory-wide ticketing of pedestrians jaywalking. Once convicted, the maximum fine is NT$2,000. Many citizens have learned about the police’s law enforcement actions. , remember to abide by traffic rules for safety reasons. However, “Sing Tao Complaint King” earlier went to the New Territories, a busy intersection with people and vehicles, to exclusively report on the police’s enforcement actions against citizens crossing the road. It was discovered that the police had stopped more than 10 people in traffic black spots in just one hour. Most people who jaywalked on the road expressed helplessness and regret when they learned that they might face a fine of up to NT$2,000.

During the reporter’s interview, a man ran away when he was stopped by a plainclothes policewoman for jaywalking. However, due to the deployment of the police, his escape was doomed to fail. The reporter heard the man who was stopped pleading: “I know that jaywalking is subject to a fine of 2,000 yuan, so I did it out of desperation.” The police officer asked for the man’s ID card for record keeping.

[Citizens jaywalking on the road ran away after being stopped by the police]

The police’s law enforcement actions theoretically have a deterrent effect. However, the “Sing Tao Complaint King” interview team continued to stay at the scene to observe after the police closed the team, and found that some citizens began to cross the road arbitrarily again. Fortunately, there were many neighbors at the scene, especially parents taking their children out. Even if there were no police stationed at the scene, they still abided by road safety awareness. Ms. Lai, a citizen, said: “Money is really a small matter, personal safety is the most important, especially since there are many blind spots here. Some drivers may be in a hurry when turning, or they may not be able to see someone when they cut off the line, and they will really get hit as soon as they come. Collide.”

Police senior clinical psychologist Mak Wing-fen analyzed the mentality of citizens jaywalking to “Sing Tao Complaint King”. She said that pedestrians jaywalking is affected by the interaction of external environmental factors and personal factors. The former includes the length of waiting time at traffic lights. The length, how far the crossing facilities are from the destinations where citizens want to go, etc.; human factors include how busy pedestrians are and whether they have the habit of taking shortcuts, etc.

Mak Wing-fen continued that some law enforcement actions, such as issuing tickets to people who jaywalk, actually have a very good deterrent effect. In particular, sending plainclothes police officers to enforce the law can strengthen the deterrent effect and improve the use of some roads. people’s safety awareness. She reminded people who jaywalked on the road that such behavior not only endangers their own personal safety, but also affects the safety of those around them, such as children.

Senior Superintendent of Traffic Headquarters: Protect lives through deterrent methods

The Transport Headquarters has been committed to promoting road safety messages through publicity and education work. When summarizing the results of this year’s work, Senior Superintendent (Administration) of the Traffic Headquarters, Sherry Madam, said that the police’s law enforcement goal is to use deterrence and vigilance methods to change citizens’ wrong and dangerous behaviors. The ultimate goal is to protect lives, so job performance will not be measured by law enforcement numbers. She noticed that after the Traffic Headquarters launched two special pedestrian operations this year, the law-abiding situation of pedestrians has improved. She thinks this is a good change and hopes it will continue.

Pan Ruiping also pointed out that in addition to pedestrians crossing the road indiscriminately, drivers’ illegal and improper behaviors often cause serious or fatal traffic accidents. According to the analysis, the top three vehicles responsible for the largest number of fatal traffic accidents are trucks, taxis and minibuses. She reminded drivers of large vehicles to pay extra attention to blind spots when driving and ensure that no one enters the blind spot before driving.

She added that the Traffic Headquarters will continue to work with the five regional traffic units in 2024 to formulate different special actions on the causes and trends of traffic accidents. For example, during the New Year’s Eve holiday, the five major regions will set up roadblocks on different road sections to crack down on drunk driving and drug-impaired driving, and call on citizens not to break the law.

The “highlight” next year will be that the Transport Headquarters will strengthen cooperation with the Road Safety Council to jointly promote road safety messages through two Road Safety Council ambassadors, including Miss Hong Kong Xiang Hailan and Hong Kong’s first female racing driver Yeung Jiayi.

Xiang Hailan told “Sing Tao Complaint King”: “I started getting a license plate in Canada when I was 17 years old, and I have never been deducted points for many years of driving. Therefore, I think it is really important to maintain a correct and good attitude, so we must be careful when driving. Be focused, law-abiding and tolerant, and be yourself to change others.”

Another ambassador, Yang Jiayi, said she would participate in pop-up promotion activities in various districts and interact with citizens by distributing souvenirs, flyers and visiting. “Everyone remembers to obey the traffic lights when crossing the road, and try to use the “four treasures of pedestrians”, which are footbridges, pedestrian crossing lights, zebra crossings and pedestrian tunnels. You must also travel with a good attitude and stay attentive and careful. , not distracted.”

The Senior Superintendent of Traffic Headquarters and two Ambassadors of the Road Safety Council unanimously stated that “traffic safety is everyone’s responsibility” and that only with the joint efforts of all Hong Kong citizens can we achieve the slogan and goal of “Zero Accidents on the Road, Everyone Loves Hong Kong”.

“Sing Tao Complaint King” has launched a new project “Everyone has a complaint” and added a “I want to praise him” column. We sincerely invite citizens to submit articles to praise the good people and deeds around them, so as to build a more loving community together. Immediately “I want to like him”: https://bit.ly/3uJ3yyF

If you want to see more exciting content, please visit the “Just a Complaint” event page now.https://bit.ly/41hgS9E

The latest version of “Sing Tao Toutiao” APP has been launched, please update immediately to browse more exciting content:https://bit.ly/3yLrgYZ

2023-12-28 00:30:11
#King #Complaints #Xingdao #Hit #public #ran #avoid #ticketPlainclothes #police #catch #jaywalkers #gain #results

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