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Pecan Named Top Nut for Weight Loss and Diabetes Prevention: New Study

Nuts, although healthy, are quite a high-calorie product; it is difficult to lose weight on them, but, as a new study has shown, there is one nut that just helps you lose weight and at the same time protect yourself from diabetes, reports Sports.kz with reference to Doctorpiter.ru.

“Healthier than a walnut: a nut has been named that helps you lose weight and protect against diabetes,” reads the title of an article on the website Doctorpiter.ru.

Researchers from the United States and Mexico have found that eating pecans daily helps prevent obesity and a variety of related health problems, including diabetes and fatty liver disease. They calculated that for this, an adult weighing 59 kilograms needs to eat 22-25 pieces a day.

True, scientists came to such conclusions about the benefits of pecans during an experiment conducted on mice. They included large amounts of fat and nuts in their diet. As Express reports, the results showed that the nuts helped the rodents increase energy expenditure and reduce dysbiosis – an imbalance of the gut microbiota and inflammation. Researchers suggest that pecans likely target low-grade inflammation, which over time can lead to chronic inflammation and the development of many common diseases.

According to the authors of the work, pecans should be considered a superfood that can be consumed either in its pure form – separately or as an additional ingredient in dishes, or as part of dietary supplements.

“Obesity and diabetes are on the rise worldwide. The trend of eating high-fat foods is one of the main reasons for this, besides lifestyle and genetic predisposition. People are looking for healthier options, and now we’ve shown that pecans can help with that,” said Luis Cisneros-Zevallos, one of the study’s authors and a nutritionist and professor at Texas A&M University.

The results of this work were published in the journal Nutrients.

The most useful for men

According to gastroenterologist Vera Samsonova, the Oline number for men is a walnut. It has many beneficial properties, including it can affect a man’s intimate health. Namely:

– helps in the prevention of adenoma;

– protects against prostatitis;

— stimulates sperm activity;

— improves the quality of seminal fluid;

– stimulates the synthesis of testosterone, which means gaining muscle mass, burning fat, and increasing libido.

The ranking of the healthiest “male” nuts, compiled by a doctor, also includes the pecan. According to the gastroenterologist, this nut is a leader in antioxidant content, including lutein, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and ellagic acid. These substances can fight cancer cells, including those affecting the prostate and testicles.

Here are some more nuts that are good for men.

Brazilian nut. Its kernels contain a large amount of selenium, which, due to its antioxidant properties, protects against prostate problems and cancer. In addition, selenium stimulates sperm activity and improves sperm quality. It also contains a lot of arginine, which is called natural Viagra.

Cashew nuts. This nut is equally useful for women and men, as it increases libido. In men, it further improves the quality of sperm, so it is also useful during the period of planning a baby.

Almond. This nut is a concentrate of beneficial substances that actively affect the sexual function of men. In addition to increasing libido and stimulating testosterone synthesis, the nut can increase blood circulation in the pelvis and stimulate certain areas of the brain, which gives intimate intimacy new, vibrant sensations.

Pistachios. Its components maintain vascular tone, ensuring a full erection and preventing the deposition of cholesterol on the walls. Plus, they help in the synthesis of sex hormones and protect sperm from free radicals.

Hazelnut. Due to their high levels of protein and iron, zinc, cobalt, potassium and calcium, hazelnuts help relieve artery spasms and prevent the accumulation of cholesterol on the walls. This increases blood flow to the genitals, stimulates the formation of sperm, and supports the formation of testosterone. It is also useful to use it for prostate adenoma.

The material is for informational purposes only. Before making a decision, consult a specialist.

2024-04-10 10:54:00

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