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Peace returns in Ursem after ‘provocations’ drinking young people

Last night, the police intervened harshly in the North Holland village of Ursem. A large group of drinking young people gathered there several times during this Whitsun weekend.

Yesterday at the beginning of the evening, the measure was full for mayor Monique Bonsen. She issued an emergency ordinance and ordered the riot police to disassemble the group. “My indignation about the behavior of this group is great,” she says NH News. “This group is clearly out for provocation and has no respect for authority.

42 fines were handed out in the police action, but none of the young people involved was arrested.

Willing to violence

In Ursem, not far from Heerhugowaard, the village fair is held at this time of the year. Large groups of young people always gather at a bridge, right near the village.

Although the fair was canceled this year due to corona, it happened several times yesterday. According to an local resident there were plans for “crate sitting”. In other words: bring your own drink and drink it at a selected location.

The municipality also had indications that preparations were being made for illegal parties and disturbances. “People would be prepared to use force in this,” says the emergency ordinance.


When the group did not disperse despite repeated warnings, the police intervened. Then smaller groups moved into the village. “Peace seems to have returned, but we remain alert,” said Mayor Bonsen. The emergency ordinance will remain in effect until midnight. The situation is being monitored via cameras, including police drones.

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