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PDIP Senior Revealed Chronology of Postponing Election Issues: Starting from Bahlil


Minister of State Secretariat Special Staff Faldo Maldini say proposal election postponement political party initiative and not related to the government. Elite PDIP said that the chronology of the proposal originated from a government element, namely Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia.

“Let’s just look at the chronology. The first one threw Bahlil who is an element of the government. Only then was he greeted by three high-ranking political parties (PKB, Golkar, and PAN). Now the ball is in the middle again,” said Senior PDIP politician Hendrawan Supratikno to reporters, Tuesday (1 / 1) 3/2022).

Hendrawan said that the PDI-P’s stance was clear as stated by Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto. According to him, the postponement of the election does not have a clear legal basis.

“PDIP’s stance is clear and has been conveyed by Secretary General Hasto. There is no solid legal basis for the postponement,” he said.

PDIP Politicians Believe Jokowi Obeys the Constitution

PDIP politician Andreas Hugo said that the proposed postponement of the election became an irony when the government and Commission II of the DPR had set a schedule for the 2024 election. According to him, in Commission II of the DPR, it was an internal decision of each party, including the general chairman.

“Politically, the addition of this position is an irony after the DPR through commission 2 together with the government has decided on the agenda for the 2024 election stage, in which Commission II of the DPR contains party representatives, including from parties whose chairman proposed a postponement of the election. This is strange, It will be a question for the public whether when Commission II decides the stages of the election, the chairpersons will not know,” said Andreas.

Andreas Hugo Pereira (Ari Saputra/detikcom)–

Andreas said economic reasons could not be the basis for the postponement of the election. “Economic reasons can’t be accounted for, because from previous years, now and in the future, we are fighting for economic recovery. And one of the keys to economic recovery is certainty in political regulations. So discussing postponement of elections is actually dangerous for certainty in political regulations, which will have an impact on the economic recovery itself,” he said.

For this reason, he asked the polemic for the postponement of the 2024 election to be closed. Andreas believes Jokowi will obey the constitution. He also asked that the discourse not be linked to the president.

“So it is better for us to close the discourse on postponing the election and concentrate more on economic recovery, agendas related to the direct interests of the community, such as cooking oil, expensive soybean prices and especially overcoming this pandemic completely,” he said.

“The president himself has clearly said that he obeys the constitution, and does not agree with the addition of positions or the postponement of the election, so don’t rely on the president for delays. Come on, we will close this discourse, and focus on the pandemic and economic recovery agenda,” said Andreas.

Watch the video ‘The government does not want to be associated with the proposed postponement of the election’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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