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PDIP brought up after the emergence of the Cyber ​​Army to defend Anies, this is the Fatwa of the MUI Buzzer Haram


PDIP brought up the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) which stated that: buzzer Haram after DKI Jakarta MUI formed cyber army to defend the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan. This is the content of the fatwa.

View detik.com, Saturday (11/20/2021), the fatwa was numbered 24 of 2017 concerning Law and Guidelines for Bermuamalah Through Social Media.

Rules that state illegal activities buzzer is in point 9 of the second part of the contents of the MUI Fatwa, as follows:

Buzzer activities on social media that make the provision of information containing hoaxes, backbiting, slander, namimah, bullying, disgrace, gossip, and other similar things a profession to gain profit, both economic and non-economic, are haraam. Likewise, people who order, support, help, take advantage of services and people who facilitate them.

Prohibition of related activities buzzer also contained in point 4 of the Content/Information Creation Guidelines section. Here’s what it says:

It is not allowed to make the provision of content/information containing hoaxes, disgrace, hate speech, gossip, and other similar matters related to individuals or groups a profession to gain profits, both economic and non-economic, such as the buzzer profession who seeks profit from activities the forbidden.

Previously, MUI DKI Jakarta formed a cyber team. It is to fight buzzer who attacked the clergy.

This was conveyed in a coordination meeting with the Information and Communication Sector (Infokom) throughout DKI Jakarta at the Bintang Wisata Mandiri Hotel, Monday (11/10). General Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta MUI KH Munahar Muchtar in his direction was grateful for this activity because there was a lot of knowledge gained in the field of information technology in the current digitalization era.

“I hope that in today’s challenging era, DKI MUI will not lose in mastering technology because this infocom field is the brain of DKI MUI in the information sector,” said Munahar in a written statement, Friday (11/19).

Munahar hopes that this infocom has experts or cyber army to fight those who attack Muslims because the main task of MUI is amar makruf nahi mungkar.

Munahar hopes that the Jakarta MUI infocomm will be able to make a decision about what is right and wrong to fight against the demonstrators buzzer which has disturbed the Muslims. Because, they are considered to have hit the ulema and discredited Muslims.

Read more on the next page.

See also video: JK bluntly accuses Buzzer of being the cause of chaos in Indonesia

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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