Jakarta –
Secretary General PDI Perjuangan Hasto Kristiyanto explained the latest update to the criteria vice presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo. According to him, PDIP Chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri looking for a figure who works quietly in silence and has no personal ambitions.
“Empirically, in 2019, apart from electoral issues, suddenly KH Ma’ruf Amin appeared. So empirically that has happened, whether in 2024 the same thing will happen, we are waiting for the main date, ha-ha-ha,” said Hasto to journalist at the Banten DPD Office, Serang, Sunday (10/9/2023).
Hasto said there were many leadership candidates being studied by his party. According to Hasto, Megawati is also looking for someone who works without personal ambition or who works in silence.
“There are those who work hard, there are those who work quietly in silence, working to build the benefit of the nation, working with professionalism without thinking about what they want to become. Well, this is what Mrs. Mega also pays attention to,” said Hasto.
“So these figures who have no personal ambition for their group, or for their business interests, but have dedication to the nation and state are also sought after by Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri so this could be an element of surprise. But when it was announced, ‘Wow, this is “It turns out that those people are indeed progressive development leader types. For example, that could also happen,” he continued.
Hasto then answered the possibility of Ganjar’s vice presidential candidate whose name was not on the survey institute’s radar. He said that new figures could emerge before the registration of presidential and vice-presidential candidates with the KPU.
“Yes, apart from the survey names that have been circulating, a new figure could also emerge. Even though there are 5 names that have been narrowed down, 5 have already been narrowed down because politics also has dynamics and then there is deliberation, there are aspirations that are not read in the surveys. “, but is actually a figure that this nation needs. That is also possible,” he said.
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2023-09-10 09:47:15
#Hasto #explains #criteria #vice #presidential #candidate #Ganjar #Mega