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PD Sharp Insinuations About TGB As Commissioner of a Sharia Bank


Former Governor of NTB M Zainul Majdi or Tuan Guru Bajang is appointed as Commissioner of Bank Syariah Indonesia. Member of Commission VI of the Democratic Party (PD) Herman Khaeron mentioned that the position is a reward because TGB is a supporter of the government.

“So far, TGB has been a supporter of the government, so this commissioner will be rewarded,” Herman told reporters, Tuesday (24/8/2021).

Herman said the commissioner’s position was only a place for sharing positions. It is no longer filled by people who are qualified in their fields.

“It is clear that many commissioner positions are currently only as compensation for the services of supporters, not professionals in their fields,” he said.

Regarding the Appointment of TGB as Commissioner

Previously, it was known that two Indonesian sharia economic figures, Adiwarman Azwar Karim and Tuan Guru Bajang, were appointed as President Commissioner and Deputy President Commissioner of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BRIS).

This determination is in accordance with the results of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (EGMS) with the agenda of the EGMS changing the composition of the company’s board of commissioners.

This is also in accordance with OJK Regulation No.33/POJK.04/2014 concerning the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of Issuers or Public Companies, which stipulates that the Board of Commissioners is appointed and dismissed by the GMS, in particular Article 23 paragraph 1 juncto Article 3 paragraph 1.

Wednesday Chairman Hijrah Phirman Rezha said that the election of Adiwarman and TGB is expected to bring BSI to compete globally. According to him, both of them are Islamic economic figures who have been worldwide.

“Congratulations to Bang Adiwarman as the main commissioner, an expert, academician, and practitioner who will lift Indonesia’s sharia economy in a direction that is superior in the eyes of the world and remains grounded in the people with his experience as the National Sharia Council of MUI and Mr. TGB as Deputy President Commissioner, as chairman of the Al Azhar Alumni Association, Cairo in Indonesia. We can no longer doubt his capacity, moreover he is an ulema and umara who always calls for good for the community, “he said in his statement, Tuesday (24/8).

Watch the video ‘TGB Becomes Deputy Commissioner of Bank Syariah Indonesia’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

(eva / tor)

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