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PCV and PPT separate from the PSUV and launch their own electoral platform for the 6-D elections

08-17-20.-Alternative Popular Revolutionary (APR) is the name of this meeting of social movements, workers, peasants and community members, which will have its own card in the elections scheduled for December 6.

Both organizations have decided to move away from madurismo and have formed, together with other leftist organizations, a platform with which to seek seats for the new 2021 National Assembly.

In a statement made public on Monday, August 10 and published on the networks, the APR defines itself as an anti-imperialist and truly socialist alliance, aimed at providing a new left-wing reference for Venezuelans.

They refer to the high cost of living, low wages, unbridled commercial speculation, institutional neglect, systematic disrespect for the fundamental rights of the people, the criminalization and prosecution of struggles, and the adoption of regressive policies by the government. by Nicolás Maduro when we have the information.

Rafael Uzcátegui, general secretary of PPT, explained to the newspaper TalCual the objectives of this electoral political alliance and the reasons for the demarcation with the government of Nicolás Maduro.

“APR is the meeting of leftist organizations with two parties known in past and recent Venezuelan history, the PCV and PPT, which we have decided with other currents that we have been acting within the Anti-imperialist and Anti-Fascist Front, the majority of which constitutes the Popular Alternative. Revolutionary, and we coincide electorally. We are going to present an electoral proposal to the country from a vision of struggle, popular, of the left, “said the Pepetista leader, who indicated that the adhesion to the APR already appears on the respective internet pages of these two parties. .

Uzcátegui explained that the electoral alliance is not made with the PSUV because they have differences with their economic policies, their treatment of the salary problem, social benefits, the fight for land and in terms of building a productive economy, an ethical and productive socialism .

He assured that it is a government “that judicializes the revolutionary protest, that is capable of negotiating with businessmen, but not capable of sitting down with workers. Every time businessmen and the government meet to discuss prices, the people tremble. Because what prices are imposed “.

He also clarified that the ARP platform is a movement that faces aggression and the imperialist bloc. “There is pressure from Donald Trump on a country with 50 million barrels of oil in reserves, which it is not allowed to trade, assets, money in banks, gold have been expropriated, but it is also a direction (the Government ) that for us the path has been mistaken and has yielded to neoliberalism “.

According to Uzcátegui, absolutely nothing has been done to protect social benefits, which are the assets of the workers and their families, and that was liquidated without the Government having done anything to protect it.

“We know that there is a difficult situation, that the State’s income is subject to the pressure of the imperialist blockade, but legally the State has the obligation to protect it, if it cannot pay it now, it must do so later, it cannot be liquidated upon contraction. and current devaluation, is to liquidate the assets of those who work, “said the leader.

“The liberation of the economy is the condemnation of the workers. Above all, the public, because the private have greater opportunities, they are given alternatives, although the application of the Labor Law, which was the last one approved by Chávez “, warned the political leader of the PPT.

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