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PCR Test Becomes a Flight Requirement, Airport Workers Complain to Jokowi

Liputan6.com, Jakarta – Angkasa Pura Employee Union (Sekarpura) II wrote a letter to President Joko Widodo. In the letter, Sekarpura II complained about the imbalance in the application of travel requirements between modes of transportation, especially regarding test obligations PCR.

“We intend to file a complaint regarding the imbalance in the implementation travel requirements by using which aircraft in the Ministerial Instruction and the circular that regulates domestic travellers,” wrote the letter signed by the General Chairperson of Sekarpura II, Trisna Wijaya in Tangerang-Banten, Saturday (23/11).

In particular, Sekarpura II conveyed complaints from airplane passengers who felt it was unfair because they had to show a negative PCR test result for COVID-19. Meanwhile, other transportation users such as users of private cars, motorbikes, buses, trains and ships are allowed to use the negative results of the antigen swab test.

“A question arises from them (air transportation service users) that why only air transportation service users are required to use PCR (H-2), while other transportation service users can only use antigen (H-1),” said Trisna.

In fact, Trisna said in terms of the readiness of air transportation facilities in implementing health protocols, they have implemented health protocols and provided standard facilities requested by the government. Such as body temperature checking system, hand sanitizer, sterilization of goods using UV light and others. In addition to using the application CareProtect also carried out in accordance with government regulations.

airport “As a place for passenger transfer to date, it is the safest place to prevent the transmission of Covid-19,” he said.

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video-gallery--item__video-caption_read-video-article">The circular instructions from the Minister of Home Affairs, the Covid-19 Task Force and the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation officially enforce the latest rules for airplane passengers. Now, the PCR test is mandatory as a condition for air transportation travel.

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