PC webshop Redux Gaming is bankrupt. The company has not been accepting new orders for some time and now confirms that it is bankrupt. There has been a lot of uncertainty about the status of the company in recent weeks.
Of popular pc webshopthat too had a popular YouTube channel, now confirms to be out of business on that channel. The founder of the company says that the shareholders have decided to file for bankruptcy for Smart Computing BV, the company behind Redux. Redux Gaming is looking for a curator who will handle the bankruptcy.
Redux says it wants to try to have outstanding orders delivered to customers if they have already paid. The company is in talks with ‘various retailers’ to make a restart, possibly under the name of those companies. They are also trying to raise money to make a restart themselves. If that restart is made, the company wants to be the first existing customers to send their orders. In addition, the company also wants to see whether existing customers can continue to claim their warranty. The founder calls on customers to report to the curator.
There had been uncertainty about the status of Redux Gaming for several days. Customers have been complaining for some time that they can no longer contact the company. A banner recently appeared on the website stating that no more new orders would be accepted and that the company could no longer speak to anyone. That happened ‘due to circumstances’, but the company remained vague about it, which made the rumors of bankruptcy increasingly louder.
2023-05-30 18:29:32
#Redux #Gaming #business