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“Pays Thionvillois Tourism bounces back with 18,000 visitors in 2022: General Meeting and Future Plans Unveiled”

Pays Thionvillois Tourisme recently organized its general meeting and unveiled its 2022 figures, which show that it has regained cruising speed after two years of the pandemic. As proof: nearly 18,000 visitors were informed by him this year. They were barely 8,000 in 2020…

The Lorraine Republican

Today at 12:00

Pays Thionvillois Tourisme held its general meeting at the bar of the Thionville municipal theater, in the presence of Jean-Marie Mizzon, senator for Moselle, Stéphanie Kis, representative of the Grand-Est Region, and Patricia Renaux, representative of the town hall of Thionville and the various tourist actors of the North Mosellan.

The opportunity to take stock of the Office’s past and future actions.

Where do foreign travelers come from?

“Foreign tourists have returned since June. However, the best remains the same, with Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium, all three fervent fans of cycle tourism,” comments Manuela Capanna, director of Pays Thionvillois Tourisme.

How many visitors have been informed?

In total, nearly 18,000 visitors were informed, compared to 9,448 in 2021, a year still marked by Covid. 122,365 pages were viewed on the website, while 2,247 visitors were received by the group service.

It happened in 2022

Renewal of the Accueil Vélo label (April) and of the Qualité Tourisme label, category I; Estivales de Thionville: 6 free concerts organized in Parc Wilson; creation of two Baludik routes for families: a cycle route on the natural heritage of the agglomeration and a temporary route on Saint Nicolas for the end-of-year celebrations; reception of the Moselle Christmas counter Attractiveness with the highlighting of producers and craftsmen with the Moselle Quality label throughout the end-of-year holiday period; organization of the Thionville cycling day, June 5 (315 participants).


Editing of the file for obtaining the Tourism & Handicap label; implementation of the Toutourisme label (obtained in February 2023); distribution of the tourist map of tourist nuggets in the agglomeration, illustrated by Florence from Atelier Mouette; establishment of an “ambassador” partnership with local influencers. ; collaboration in the promotion of cross-border tourism.

The website is getting a makeover

The new Tourist Office website went online at the end of April 2022. More visual, colorful and dynamic, this new site reflects the communication strategy led by the Tourist Office team. .

An essential digital tool for the promotion of the territory, it provides better visibility of the tourist assets of the destination. The organization of content has been designed to provide the best possible user experience.

From the home page, Internet users are invited to explore the pages for a complete immersion in the heart of the destination. Each of the themes presented reveals emblematic sites to visit as a family.

“You will find the agenda of events, experiences to live, activities tested for the public by the experts of the territory, unusual places to discover, hiking or cycling routes, and many more surprises. …”, promises director Manuela Capanna. While its primary purpose is to publicize the destination and attract visitors, the new website is also intended to be a wealth of information for locals, tourists and socio-professionals.

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