1 November is not a day like the others on the payslip: we are dealing with a public holiday which affects the salary.
1 Novemberthe All Saints’ Daya very sincere day especially in Italy as it is dedicated together with November 2 to visit cemeteries and remember the dead. a lot workers they are free from their professional work on this day. Others may not be absent, as required by their contract. In any case, the “special” day affects the payment questionnaire.
First, you need to understand what day of the week the holiday is on. In 2024, November 1 arrived on a Saturday. And this determines a different economic treatment. The other aspect to keep in mind relates to the employee. In fact, we must consider differently the worker who is necessary to perform tasks and the one who can rest.
November 1 is defined byArticle 2 of Law 260/1949 and by Presidential Decree 792/1985 as a mid-week holiday. And, according to the current legislation, it gives special economic treatment to workers who work on that day.
The statute ei general contracts (CCNL) specifies that, in the absence of work, workers who have not paid a fixed monthly fee, such as for example certain workers or temporary workers, are entitled to compensation equal to one sixth of the weekly wage they have
November 1 and pay slip: what will happen to this year’s salary
If the holiday does not fall on a Sunday, again as a rule, no additional treatment is provided for employees and others employees with a fixed monthly salary. This is because public holidays are already included in the payslip. When the national holiday falls on a Sunday or when it coincides with the patron saint, the law establishes that employees are entitled to additional fee per day, equal to the twenty-sixth of the wages. Then it depends on the contractual provisions.
![Extra money in your salary from 1 November](https://i0.wp.com/www.gazzettinodelgolfo.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/euro-20241102-gazzettinodelgolfo.it_.jpg?resize=900%2C600&ssl=1)
For a holiday that falls on a Saturday, therefore, it is always important refer to the general contract specificationsincluding secondary or corporate ones. And this is true on November 1, 2024. As specified in note 1664/2006 from the Ministry of Labor, no additional payment is given for non-working Saturdays.
But in the presence of work during a public holiday, the employee will be entitled, in addition to the normal salary, to an increase for the hours worked, as established by the CCNL to apply. So, to summarize: employees who do not work that day will receive the same payment as they would have received if they had worked. Instead, employees who work on public holidays will receive a raise, which varies according to the CCNL. For example, the CCNL for trade provides an increase of 30%.that of Multiservices by 50%.
2024-11-02 21:55:00
#Payment #slippage #November #paidlike #day #salary #Gazzettino #del #Golfo