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Payment of life insurance from state police officers may be voluntary by a third party

Through the reform of the Amigo Police trust, it is proposed to incorporate life insurance coverage of 250 thousand pesos charged to the voluntary contribution of a third party, even to be able to be covered with the Trust and then reimburse it.

The titular person of the Ministry of Public Security and his alternate are incorporated as intervening party in the trust, as the person in charge of the road police, integrating him as a member with voice and vote like the other parties.

It is modified that the support for life insurance for death with an insured amount up to $ 250,000.00, will have the option of public bidding and voluntary contribution from a third party to comply with the payment of that benefit, “since this type of procedure requires a budget very high that would quickly wipe out the trust resources. “

Life Insurance for Death. Grant an insured sum of up to $ 250,000.00 (Two hundred and fifty thousand pesos 00/100 MN), regardless of the amount granted by the State Government to its personnel. The payment of the insured sum may be provided in a justified manner through any of the following options:

1. By the insurance company that has been chosen through public bidding;

2. Directly charged to the Trust’s assets; Y

3. Through a voluntary contribution from a third party.

In the event that the insurer’s payment is delayed for any reason, the payment may initially be made from the trust and subsequently the reimbursement must be made.

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