Vincent Faïta, Jean Robert. In History, two heroes. Two young men who paid with their lives their commitment to the Resistance, the defense of their country, their opposition to Nazi barbarism and collaboration, their loyalty to their communist ideals.
Vincent Faïta, Jean Robert. In Nîmes, where they were murdered, misery. For the first, a penetrating in an advanced state of disrepair, where moving around is a challenge and where the few quality businesses are fighting to survive. For the second, an adjoining square which is in the same spirit, hosting a somewhat messy car park and deserving establishments.
As the City of Nîmes prepares to celebrate the 80th anniversary of their execution (near the plaque affixed to the courthouse), we say to ourselves that Faïta and Robert could still be better considered in the urban landscape. By restoring luster to their square and avenue, we would avoid associating their names with decay and abandonment. While improving, along the way, the environment of those who live there.