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Paying for a hybrid heat pump with your vacation days, that’s how it works

From 2026, homeowners will be forced to do this when they replace their central heating system at least one hybrid heat pump for installing it. A hybrid heat pump is placed next to your highly efficient gas boiler.

Also get an outdoor unit in your garden or on the roof. Only on very cold days (just above freezing or colder) does your boiler need to kick in to heat your home on gas. For the rest of the year, the heat pump takes care of heating your home and saves you gas.

1.9 days off for 7 years

95 percent of all homes are suitable for installing a hybrid heat pump. Your home doesn’t have to be as well insulated as it needs to be with an all-electric heat pump. But the better your home is insulated, the less gas your hybrid heat pump will consume.

Normally a hybrid heat pump costs around 5000 euros. You can buy it through your employer with a significant tax advantage. You pay your boss for the heat pump out of your gross salary or you give up 1.9 days off a year for 7 years. You can also use overtime or your 13th month. A maximum of half of the tax is refunded to you and then you pay only 2500 euros net for your hybrid heat pump.

Sander Vaneker profited from this favorable agreement: “I had read about the heat pump via the boss. So I thought: I have a boss and I’m going to inquire. Then it turned out that this is really possible and that was the decisive push.”

Sander works as a civil servant in the tax and customs administration. The Collective Bargaining Agreement for civil servants states that you can use part of your Individual Choice Budget (IKB) to make your home more sustainable, for example by insulating it or fitting it with a heat pump or solar panels.

50 to 70 percent less gas consumption

Vaneker burns around 2,000 cubic meters of gas every year in his 1930s home in Enschede. He hopes to make significant savings on gas consumption with his hybrid heat pump. “It will definitely work,” says Rick Bruins of Remeha, the supplier of the hybrid heat pump. “With a heat pump of this type, you save 50 to 70 percent on gas consumption. The exact energy savings depend on the level of insulation in the house.”

A hybrid heat pump consumes more electricity; approximately 3 kWh of electricity per cubic meter of gas. You can generate this electricity yourself by installing solar panels on your roof. With six to eight solar panels, the entire electricity consumption of the hybrid heat pump can be compensated.

From 2023 no more VAT on solar panels

Sander Vaneker has now ordered six solar panels in addition to his hybrid heat pump. From 1 January 2023 you pay too no more VAT on the purchase price of solar panels. So this was the right time.

HAASheat came up with this tax-advantageous arrangement together with the accountants of EY, because it needs to be tax-correct. You are not waiting for further investigations by the tax authorities. You can compare the scheme a little with the abolished PC private project or the popular bicycle plan, but for hybrid heat pumps.

According to HAASheat’s Dennis Blaauwbroek, this scheme is particularly attractive to low-income employees. You can take out a loan with a (common income) of up to 45,000 euros at 0% interest through the Fondo Calore.

Blaauwbroek calculates: Those with a (combined) income of up to 45,000 euros can take out a loan of 50 to 60 euros a month through the Heat Fund. Through your employer’s tax break, you pay only 25 to 30 euros net per month. And from day one your gas bill will go down. With high energy prices of 2 to 3 euros per cubic meter of gas, you will pay for your investment in one or two years.

The scheme isn’t just for big companies like ABN AMRO, which were the first to participate in a pilot project, or government employees. Small businesses with four or five employees are also suitable, provided there is a tax margin in the labor-related costs scheme (WKR).

45 percent no money for the heat pump

HAASheat hopes that this way more people can afford a hybrid heat pump. It recently turned out a study by Kadasterdata.nl among 1069 Dutch homeowners that money plays a big role. Around 45% of respondents say they don’t have enough money to purchase and install a hybrid heat pump.

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