Home » Health » Pay attention! Rapid hunger and thirst can be a sign of excess sugar in the body – Indozone Health

Pay attention! Rapid hunger and thirst can be a sign of excess sugar in the body – Indozone Health

INDOZONE.ID – Almost everyone is definitely fond of the different types of food and drinks it contains sugar. In fact, recently there have been several viral foods or drinks that contain a lot of it sugar.

But, did you know that there are serious side effects if you eat too much sugar. Starting with obesity, dental caries, diabetesto heart disease.

According to the general practitioner and healthy lifestyle consultant, Dr. Prama Adityathere are several signs that someone has too much sugar in their body.

Read also: 5 reasons why sugar is harmful to your health, don’t give up before it’s too late!

“The first and easiest thing is to blacken patches of skin,” said Dr. Prama was called by Indozone from his Instagram account recently.

Photo of black fingers and throat due to excess sugar. (Instagram/Drapramaaditya)

“For example, if it looks like in this picture, the fingers are black, the neck is black, or the elbows and knees are black. “That might be the easiest sign for you to see,” he continued.

In addition, said Dr. Prama Adityaprone to acne or acne that does not heal, can also be a sign that your body is drinking too much sugar.

Read also: Is it true that the ‘No Sugar Diet’ does not allow you to eat sugar at all? This is the definition

Then, another sign that many people may not be aware of is that the position of the body feels fast hungry and damp.

“So, for example, you have eaten, you have drunk, but you are hungry, still thirsty. Be careful, in case this is a sign that you have too much sugar in your body. “So, that’s why it’s hard for you to be satisfied,” he said.

Family Doctor and Healthy Lifestyle Advisor, Dr. Prama Aditya. (Instagram/Drapramaaditya)

Prama Aditya he said, the condition of the hair falling out easily, getting tired easily, and having trouble sleeping are also signs that your body is pregnant too much sugar.

2024-10-05 05:15:00
#Pay #attention #Rapid #hunger #thirst #sign #excess #sugar #body #Indozone #Health

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