Paweł Deląg, like many other Polish celebrities, referred to yesterday’s Million Hearts March in Warsaw. The comments also included unfavorable ones. How did the actor respond to the hate?
Face Paweł Deląg is perfectly known by Polish viewers. We could see the actor in numerous Polish cinema blockbusters, as well as on TV screens. Like many Polish stars, Deląg also commented on the Million Hearts March, which took place on October 1 in Warsaw. The actor seems to be deeply moved by the large turnout of voters who turned out for the event. The recording of a crowd with Polish flags he posted on Instagram is accompanied by a description.
This image speaks for itself, a wave of human hearts… No politician or promise of social gifts would have brought hundreds of thousands of Poles to the streets of the capital, or maybe even more… They came spontaneously, they came with conviction, with the belief that there could be a different way… – wrote Deląg.
At the same time, he emphasized how important it is to vote in the upcoming elections.
An important election time is approaching, it is a great privilege that we can go to the polls and vote according to our conscience. Don’t be indifferent, talk to your loved ones about this very important event, encourage them to participate, be active and full of faith, especially I am asking you, young friends, the future belongs to you – he encouraged.
Paweł Deląg responds to criticism with class
In the comments, some of the actor’s followers did not react favorably. One of the Internet users wrote: “I thought you were smarter.” Deląg decided to answer her.
I appreciate you very much and I’m glad you left your comment. Best regards, he wrote.
This is what you call classy!
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2023-10-02 10:35:00
#Paweł #Deląg #scolded #supporting #opposition #march #masterful #answer