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Pavol Habera has serious health problems. The famous singer ended up in the hospital

Legendary Slovak singer Paľo Habera ended up in hospital. He shared a photo on social media of him lying in a hospital bed with his knee bandaged. His crutches are placed nearby. An arrow drawn over his bandages indicates that the SuperStar judge had to undergo surgery.

The popular singer is hospitalized. The feared SuperStar judge took to social media to show a photo of him lying on a bed with his knee operated on. The crutches are placed next to his bed.

“When you have nothing to do on Thursday. Shutdown planned,” Pavol Habera wrote to the photo on his Instagram, revealing that the procedure was planned. Fans soon began to wish him a speedy recovery, but were put off by an arrow drawn above the singer’s left knee.

“And why is there an arrow on the left leg?” he asked one of the musician’s followers for the mysterious sign above the bandages. People quickly explained to him that this was likely a sign of a knee in need of surgery. “A dart on the right foot is the basis,” joked one fan.

The fact that Habera’s health bothers everyone was a big surprise. Just a few days ago, the singer appeared to be in good health and in excellent shape. “Anyone need something clean? Your cleaner is here just for you,” he joked on his Instagram, where he offered help to his followers with cleaning and attached a funny photo in rubber boots.

See how Pavol Habera celebrated his 60th birthday:


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