Home » today » World » Pavlos Polakis: The background to the deletion – How Kasselakis did what Tsipras did not – 2024-07-31 16:13:35

Pavlos Polakis: The background to the deletion – How Kasselakis did what Tsipras did not – 2024-07-31 16:13:35

Yesterday’s deletion of Pavlos Polakis from the party’s Parliamentary group brings turmoil and a change of balance in SYRIZA. Pavlos Polakis is an independent member of parliament of Chania since yesterday as Stefanos Kasselakis did what was called many times but Alexis Tsipras did not.

He deleted Pavlos Polakis after their last sample of behavior that “overflowed the glass” and led to his deletion. The reason is the verbal attack he unleashed on an associate of the Minister of Health, Adonis Georgiadis.

The Kasselakis decision was a one-way street as once again the executives of SYRIZA found themselves apologizing for the behavior of Mr. Polakis. The president of SYRIZA, however, did not try to exploit the issue as a demonstration of “presidential fist”, as he did in the past. It is indicative that during his initial, public speech in yesterday’s K.O. he did not make the slightest reference to the event.

At the same time, unrepentant, Polakis appears. In his post he says that he remains SYRIZA and warns that … nothing stops him, leaving indirect threats in all directions and states that his deletion was a “regular setup”.

The timeline of the attack

Yesterday, in the Parliament, nothing predicted the storm of developments that would follow, until the moment when Mr. Polakis took the floor in the Social Affairs Committee of the Parliament, unprovokedly attacking his colleague Adoni Georgiadis with disparaging characterizations.

Specifically, the MP of Chania said, addressing the minister’s associate, Mrs. Petroulia, that “don’t turn your face, madam. I tell you, you have a permanent, not a smile, a twist of the mouth in the form of disrespect. It is irritating. You have a lady minister’s associate who has a permanent contortion of the face of disrepute. It’s irritating to see.”

Watch after the 10th minute

Tears of Linen for Polakis’ behavior

Watching a SYRIZA member of parliament, a university student, tear up from the floor of Parliament is not an ordinary sight. You shudder how to do it, especially when you know that Athena Linou of SYRIZA found herself in the difficult position of apologizing for the unacceptable behavior of Pavlos Polakis in the Social Affairs Committee of the Parliament where the psychiatric bill is being discussed.

And one shivers much more when one realizes why Mrs. Linou cried in the Parliament. It was preceded by the verbal attack of the member of parliament of Chania towards the current associate of the Minister of Health, Adoni Georgiadis, because he did not like her expression: “Don’t turn your face, madam. I tell you, you have a permanent, not a smile, a twist of the mouth in the form of disrespect. It is irritating. You have a lady minister’s associate who has a permanent contortion of the face of disrepute. It’s irritating to see,” said “apsy Sfakianos”, which caused discomfort as it was considered an unfair and unprovoked attack on his boundaries against his partner Mr. Georgiadis.

Mrs. Linou could not stand it and felt the need to apologize on behalf of Polakis, saying: “I want to personally apologize to the colleague who suffered this form of violence.” In fact, at that point he “bent down” and started crying. “And I think we can’t allow such behavior, it doesn’t matter who it comes from, to any woman and any human being,” she added, clearly displeased with the attitude of her colleague, whose behavior was also praised by MPs from the other parties.

In fact, while Mrs. Linou was crying and apologizing, the camera “captured” the colleague of the Minister of Health, who has been verbally attacked by Mr. Polakis in the Plenary in the past.

Relief to SYRIZA

The deletion of Polakis from SYRIZA’s KO seems to find agreement with several MPs, who appear furious with Pavlos Polakis, with the new incident being added to a long list of indecent behaviors, which have put the party in a difficult position many times.

Rage Tassoula

Polakis, as expected, also angered the Speaker of the Parliament, Kostas Tasoula, who called him a “vulgar attention seeker” and immediately cut half of his parliamentary allowance.

Mr. Georgiadis’ colleague was defended by those in the room – in fact, Mr. Vartzopoulos was shouting at him that the woman has a health problem. THE Thanasis Papathanasis for his part, he commented that “this behavior is not consistent with where we are. Politically we may have differences, but above all is respect for the other”. The Member of Parliament for Freedom of Navigation, Spyros Bibilas also intervened saying: “It is unacceptable for a lady to be insulted in this way, we do not want her to cross this line in the Parliament, it has happened repeatedly and that is why I am disappointed, that Mrs. Konstantopoulou, Mrs. Akrita, we as Pleusi have been offended Freedom, we disagree, every member of parliament cannot insult someone, especially when she is a woman. It’s not democratic, it’s not decent.”

Amatanoitos Polakis at the meeting of the party’s Executive Committee

“Following a proposal by the president of the party, Stefanos Kasselakis, Pavlos Polakis is excluded from the Parliamentary Group of SYRIZA-PS by the president of KO, Socrates Famello“said the announcement of SYRIZA on the deletion of Mr. Polakis.

Despite this, Pavlos Polakis also went to the meeting of the SYRIZA Parliamentary Group, with Sokratis Famellos reacting when he saw him. “You are not a member of KO, you cannot participate in the process,” Mr. Famellos told him, with Mr. Polakis replying: “I am SYRIZA and I will be as long as the people want me to be.”

“You are not a member of the KO, you cannot participate in the process,” Sokratis Famellos told Pavlos Polakis

Pavlos Polakis, in his first statements after the incident, is reminded that he said that, “I take responsibility for everything I have said”, while at the same time he called on Athina Linou to “apologise to herself”. At the same time, he spoke of a derogatory behavior he received from his colleague Adoni Georgiadis.

A few minutes after the incident, Mr. Polakis also posted on Facebook claiming that only “the people delete”.

“I am not giving SYRIZA to anyone”

“I don’t give SYRIZA to anyone,” wrote the MP, who was expelled from KO. “The people decide who they delete as a member of parliament and the party members as a member of SYRIZA! No one else”, he adds, firing at Athena Linou whom he accuses of fake tears and of “giving the pass outside and inside”.

At the end of the post he promises that today he will make a revelation to the Institutions and Transparency committee.

#Pavlos #Polakis #background #deletion #Kasselakis #Tsipras

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