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Pavel Novotný will not like to read this. From the ODS, Felix Slováček thunders for the case

05/02/2024 17:08 | Comment

He crossed all limits, he has no business in ODS. The well-known provocateur Pavel Novotný, who is the mayor of Řeporyje for the Citizen Democrats, set out on thin ice that may crack under him. He wrote that Felix Slováček’s daughter Anička, who is being treated for cancer, will die and has no chance. Part of the ODS is shocked, there were calls for Novotný’s expulsion and an apology to the family of the musician Slováček.


Jan Rychetsky

Description: Mayor of Řeporyj, Pavel Novotný

The controversial mayor of Prague’s Řeporyjí, Pavel Novotný from the ODS, is facing a massive wave of criticism. On the social network X, he leaned on the musician Felix Slováček and wrote that his daughter would die.


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Novotný reacted on the social network to a photo from the pre-election campaign of the STAČILO group, which is led by the head of the KSČM and MEP Kateřina Konečná. In the picture, she is posing with Felix Slováček and other politicians.

“Felix has always been a moron,” wrote Pavel Novotný on the photo, who shared it on his profile on the X network. Subsequently, he added another sentence that caused a storm. “I give him peace for about a year and a half as I know that his daughter will die. Anička, unfortunately, has no chance. But he exaggerated this,” wrote the ODS politician.

He subsequently tried to defend himself in a number of other posts. “I don’t understand at all what I should have done,” he responded to the criticism. “I was awakened by the herring, who also resents the truth of what I wrote about Anička. I deleted it, I won’t apologize and go to hell,” continued Novotný in a post on the social network. To most of the indignant comments, the mayor of Repory responded with the word “suck it up”.

A few hours later, Pavel Novotný changed his mind and finally apologized after all. Although he initially claimed that he was not going to apologize. “Well, I apologize for the completely inappropriate tweet regarding the Slováčkova family. And go to hell for a week. I sincerely apologize and I deeply regret my tweet,” Pavel Novotný said.

The former tabloid journalist and now ODS politician, who is famous for his controversial statements, was attacked by practically everyone who reacted to his output on the social network.


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However, the statements of ODS politicians did not appear anywhere, not to mention the party superiors of Pavel Novotný. ParlamentníListy.cz therefore brings the reactions of some prominent representatives of the largest government party.

“I am ashamed of Mr. Novotný and I am also ashamed of the ODS, formerly a conservative party, for tolerating him and his excesses. I apologize for our party to Mr. Slováček and his daughter,” said the long-time ODS senator for PL Jiří Oberfalzer.

According to the MEP and long-time influential member of the ODS Jana Zahradil the party should have excluded Pavel Novotný long ago. “To me, Novotný is no longer worth commenting on, he should have been kicked out of the ODS in disgrace a long time ago. It is sad that the leadership of the ODS has been ‘silencing’ his madness for a long time and not addressing it. That will come back to them,” Zahradil told our editors.

Member of the Prague Regional Council Alexander the Great believes that the ODS leadership should assess Novotný’s future in the party. “One should not express himself like this in everyday life, let alone in the role of a politician and mayor. This is unacceptable. What will be the procedure of the party, that is up to the executive council and the leadership of the party, whether they think such things are in order and whether it is compatible with the statutes and with good behavior within our party,” Bellu told us.

We also contacted the chairman of the Prague ODS and a member of parliament Brand Bendu. So far, he has left our questions unanswered.

According to the findings of the editorial office of PL, the Prague ODS has run out of patience with Pavlo Novotný. “He’s been a pain in the ass for a long time now and his latest output has crossed all the lines. What he said is crazy bullshit, he deserves to be publicly spat in the face for that. Such completely inhuman behavior does not belong in society, and certainly not in the mayor, even of a small village. No politician must ever behave like this,” a prominent member of the Prague ODS told us, adding that such a view of Novotný is far from unique in the party.

We wondered if Novotný was scolded by the leadership of the Prague ODS. “All on him, with apologies, shit. Sorry, but there is no other way to say it. We are fed up with him, we are not interested. Before, when he dropped something, he got a brush for it and then apologized, pouring ashes on his head. Today we don’t react to him and basically don’t communicate with him, which he probably doesn’t take well, but we don’t care. In any case, with this he crossed all the boundaries, including what we tolerated him,” adds the source. The question is how the party would behave in the capital if someone suggested Novotny’s expulsion. This seems to be one of the possible options now.

The current case, when Pavel Novotný expressed himself with the style that he will not find support with practically anyone, is far from the first. The Prague ODS politician is famous for being provocative and likes to go over the edge. It also repeatedly brought him problems with the police and the courts. He was convicted of dangerous persecution or defamation of a nation and race. Novotný is on probation and the court warned that if he continues to commit similar acts, he will end up in prison.

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