Telegram founder Pavel Durov stated, that in February he gave a three-hour interview to American journalist Tucker Carlson. It will be released in video format.
“In February, I did a three-hour interview with a liberal journalist, and on the same day I also spoke with Tucker Carlson, who is known for his conservative views. This way I can be objective to all audiences and tell the Telegram story to everyone,” Durov wrote.
The founder of Telegram noted that the interview with Tucker will be released “very soon” and in video format, which is very rare for him.
“I heard that Tucker is also launching an official channel on Telegram, so let’s keep an eye out for announcements there,” Durov added.
An interview with Durov in early March was also published by the Financial Times (FT). During the conversation, the founder of the messenger said that the number of active Telegram users has reached about 900 million users, and the company itself will soon be able to conduct an initial public offering on the stock exchange (IPO).
He also noted that Telegram has become one of the world’s most popular instant messengers and brings in “hundreds of millions of dollars” thanks to the introduction of advertising services and premium subscriptions two years ago.
On the night of February 9, an interview of Russian President Vladimir Putin with journalist Tucker Carlson was published, which, according to the BBC Russian Service, was “announced as an event of incredible proportions.” The interview lasted just over two hours. During the conversation, the Russian leader spoke about the history of Russia and Ukraine, the goals of the Russian military operation and the fact that Moscow did not refuse negotiations with Kiev.
“Carlson looked puzzled.” What Western media write about the interview with Putin