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Pauline Youth: “All in Bastia on Sunday!”


“This morning, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced the lifting of DPS status for Alain Ferrandi and Petru Alessandri. We are delighted with this new permit thanks to the unprecedented mobilization of the Corsican youth and people.

We regret that we had to wait for the situation we know and a week without response for this decision to be announced.

This lifting of DPS must allow their immediate reconciliation. However, for the moment nothing is announced in this direction,

Also, our goal must be the release of Corsican political prisoners. This is what the collective Ora di u ritornu demands but also the University of Corsica through its Motion voted unanimously and more broadly all the Corsican people in the State this week.

We must not back down from our demands. The Government must launch a process of dialogue around the Corsican question and the recognition of our people to exist on this land, the only condition for definitively opening a page of appeasement.

Mobilization has made us successful! We must continue to make ourselves heard!

More than ever, we are calling for a demonstration on March 13 at 3 pm in Bastia in front of the Palace of Justice.

All in Bastia on Sunday!».

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