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Paulina Smaszcz about men, addictions and freak fight

Paulina Smaszcz was Mateusz Hładki’s guest in the “Mówię Wam” program, where she revealed that she would be a participant in the “Queen of Survival” and answered several questions from the audience.

Paulina Smaszcz answers questions from the audience

On Saturday morning, TVN7 viewers could watch another episode of the program “I’m Telling You”. Mateusz Hładki invites stars who answer questions that are not always comfortable or pleasant. At one point in the program, the host gave the floor to the audience gathered in front of the studio. They were the ones who could ask Paulina Smaszcz a question. One of the viewers was curious if she thought all men were pigs.

– I am answering you very honestly. (…) No, I absolutely meet inspiring, smart, valuable men in my life, which, to be honest, I reward by telling them about it. Men can’t accept a compliment if they are told that they are different from everyone else and, to be honest, I dream that I will meet such a man in my life – replied Smaszcz.

I’m telling you: Would Paulina Smaszcz fight in a freak fight?

Paulina Smaszcz in the world of freak fight

Freak fights are fights of people unrelated to sports, which have recently enjoyed considerable popularity. Krzysztof Rutkowski, who was a guest on the program “Mówię Wam” talked about his fight with Zbigniew Stonoga (the fight is already in October), which is why Paulina Smaszcz was asked if she would take part in such an event.

– Oh Christ, no! – Smaszcz shouted in response to a question from the audience. – Mr. Antoni, precisely because my younger son is probably your age. I would like my mother to live longer, but I don’t think I could handle it. – she added.

Paulina Smaszcz hugs a viewer

Paulina Smaszcz asked about the exclusion of addicts

At one point, a moving scene occurred. A man from the audience timidly asked a question about the exclusion of people with addictions from society. Before Paulina Smaszcz answered, she invited him to come a little closer and simply hugged him.

– I will say this and answer this question completely honestly. Ladies and gentlemen, there are a lot of addicts in Poland. Not only from drugs, alcohol, compulsive shopping, gambling. And we exclude them because that we think we are better than them. We are not better. It can happen to any of us, it can happen to any of our family members (…). Let’s not reject these people, on the contrary, we have to help them – she turned to the audience.

“I’m Telling You”: Where and when to watch?

Broadcast from August 31st every Saturday at 11:25 on TVN7. Right after Saturday’s “Dzień Dobry TVN”.

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