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Paulina M³ynarska strongly about hating white hair and wrinkles Andie MacDowell: Piss off!

Andie MacDowell, famous for its chestnut waves, made its red carpet debut at the 74th Cannes International Film Festival in a storm of gray curls. She presented herself splendidly. However, there were internet users who decided to point out the actress the passage of time.

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Paulina Młynarska strongly about hating Andie MacDowell

Paulina Młynarska In a recent Instagram post, she defended Andie MacDowell, who with her hair in a shade of pepper and salt delighted her fans. Unfortunately, wherever it was written about the actress, there were also unfavorable comments in which her natural look was compared to that of a witch. There were also those who laughed at the wrinkles.

Paulina Młynarska reacted sharply to such opinions. The journalist stated that comparing the actress to a witch is a kind of persecution and disgrace. It outraged her that such fantastic naturalness could be compared to a fairy-tale nightmare. To a character that is associated with ugliness from an early age.

A sadomasochistic tribe of women from the Vistula River spits venom on Andie MacDowell that she looked like a witch on the Cannes red carpet. Because they had long gray hairs, their face was wrinkled, and at the same time some kind of cheeky girl full of sex, as if young, ki cort? A body full of life, flexible. Ugh, viper! He hides a poisoned apple behind his coat for sure. Lacerate! The witch from a fairy tale is the unwanted, forbidden by patriarchal culture, the persecuted, disgraced part of our psyche, which is effective, doesn’t give a shit about the passage of time and its imprint on her face, uses her powers, allows anger and anger. He does not pretend to be hypocritical that he does not feel such ugly things – wrote the journalist.

Paulina Młynarska noticed that each of us will get old at some point and criticizing another woman for not improving our beauty by force only proves our own complexes. According to the journalist, it is fear of the passage of time.

Stop hating on women who, at 60 and above, no longer cast themselves as princesses. You’re not pissing them off, you are. Your entries are not about them, but about you. About your fear of aging. About your hatred for freedom and for your own gender. It’s 2021. Women can look what they want and do what they want. To be who they want. Have a nice day of the witch!

Andie MacDowell did not just earn a living by playing movies, but also was the face of cosmetic companies. However, the star is well aware that time cannot be stopped and, unlike many other stars, she does not intend to enhance her beauty by force. Recently, in an interview with “Vogue” magazine, she argued that you can be beautiful at any age. She also admitted that she cares about her figure and practices yoga every day.

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