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Paulina Kosiniak-Kamysz was not at her husband’s election evening

It was undoubtedly not an easy evening for PSL’s presidential candidate. Even in May, talked about the chances of Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz to enter the second round. Meanwhile, the result of Sunday’s vote brutally dispelled these hopes. Disappointment with the verdict of the voters was not concealed by the interested party.

The PSL leader during his speech spoke about the longest election campaign. – It’s final. He obviously does not give me satisfaction, there is nothing to hide. I believe that what we have been doing these last months is the seed thrown. This is Poland’s proposal, which is not divided Poland, is a community Poland that does not succumb to a fratricidal fight – said Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz. – I got an answer to the question asked my countrymen today. Maybe this is not the moment, maybe not the moment, but I believe that this is the only right way and it will bring happiness to our country, bring its prosperity – he added.

In these difficult moments, there was no wife next to the PSL leader who supported him throughout the whole campaign. As it results from the findings of “Fakt”, Paulina Kosiniak-Kamysz was not at the election evening because she was not wanted to expose her due to pregnancy. Let us remind you that she is expecting a second child and is sixth month pregnant.

“The wife of the PSL candidate for the president was with her husband and spirit, and she watched the broadcast of this event on television,” we read.

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Kosiniak-Kamysz’s “full compromise”

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