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Paula Bernini surprised by talking about her relationship status, after the coverage of the Loan case

After spending 65 days away from home and loved ones, 43 of them covering the Loan case in Corrientes and the rest, the days he spent traveling around northern Argentina, Paula Bernini finally made the decision to return to Buenos Aires.

The journalist from El Trece and TN had already stated in Very early in the morning (El Trece) who missed her family and, consulted on the subject by Carmen Barbieri, who is in charge of the cycle, she assured that In Buenos Aires, her mother, father, brothers, nephews, friends and her boyfriend were waiting for her.

Now, Paula was a guest in Mirtha’s Night (El Trece) where he spoke about his time in Corrientes and all the details of the case investigating the disappearance of the five-year-old boy.

In that context and true to her style, Mirtha got to the point and He asked Bernini about his love lifeHowever, the journalist’s response was surprising, as it contradicted her previous statements.

“What is your love life like? Do you have a partner?” La Chiqui asked. “If I tell you now that I have a partner, other doors will be closed to me, you are compromising me,” Paula began jokingly.

Then he confessed: “I’m alone. It’s difficult when you’re so wrapped up in work.”

Paula Bernini surprised everyone by talking about her relationship status. Photo: TV Capture

“But I always say that, The partners I had never demanded anything, they always accompanied me, they understood my lifestyle, my way of being. I like being able to travel and I heard examples from my family that don’t tell you ‘come back, it’s been too long’,” Paula continued explaining about her ex-partners.

And he continued: “I was 65 days, this time, outside. It’s a long time, but when they don’t claim you, it becomes easier. When they accompany you, when they push you…”

Mirtha then added: “Do you think the little one is going to appear?” “If we lose faith, I think we lose everything”Bernini replied.

“If we lose faith, we lose everything.” Photo: TV Capture

At Legrand’s insistence, the journalist then said: “I woke up every day wanting to break the news that Loan had appearedthat he would come home with his mom and dad. Many times he would tease me and say ‘this is not going to happen, the days go by and…’”.

And he concluded: “But when I got home and you see the face of the mother, the father, the brothers, that They still have hope and look at the front door of the house and wait for Loan to get out of a patrol car and run into their arms.that’s where you don’t lose hope. We’re still in time to find it. And We cannot accept that children disappear in Argentina and that absolutely nothing is known about them.”.

Paula Bernini. Photo: Maxi Failla.

Paula Bernini spoke about the importance of her family in her work

Days after breaking down on air while talking about the support of his parents in his coverage, Paula Bernini I speak in Mirtha’s Night the importance of having your family present in your life.


The journalist talked about the support she receives from her parents

It was one of the most difficult coverages I had to do.. Because we were constantly talking about a five-year-old child. So being in Corrientes for so many days, I was on the case for 45 days… It’s not that I missed it, the previous 20 days that I spent traveling around northern Argentina were added to it.“, the journalist began by saying.

And he added: “I have to say that every time I am asked where I get the strength to keep going, to interview or try to always look a little further than justice, I say that It’s my family that gives me that push, that energy. That does excite me, they are always with me, they are unconditional. That fight for me to move forward, beyond how much they miss me, that excites me.”

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