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Paul Magnette on formation: “possibly a solution within …

Paul Magnette (PS) seems to remain positive about the formation of a government. If everyone does their best, it is possible to find a solution before the start of the political year, he says on the French-speaking channel RTL.

“We had to conclude that it did not go any further. We could not take the next step, ”says Magnette about the formation attempt with N-VA.

Nevertheless, he still thinks it important that a state reform remains on the table. “We are in favor of state reform in 2024. Belgium must become more efficient,” said Magnette. On Twitter, the party chairman of the PS added that he had heard the biggest nonsense about the state reform. “And without any ground of truth, all we want is for Belgium to work better.”

He emphasized that it was not easy for him to sit down with N-VA. “But the seriousness of this crisis forced us to give those conversations a chance.”

The party chairman remains optimistic. “We will see what the ten party chairmen have to say. And in which direction a solution can be found. As long as our social demands are heard, we are ready to talk. If everyone puts in some effort and is constructive, we can find a solution before the start of the political year, in three weeks’ time. ”

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